투자 프로젝트
1인 기획사
의 프로젝트
펀딩 진행 중
[2차펀딩]내 손 안에 파인톡!
대국민무료서비스 투자플랫폼
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 157 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 3 [prjstatusnm] => 진행중 [prjstatusdesc] => 입금확인이 완료되어 증거금 관리기관에 주금납입을 신청하고있습니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => [2차펀딩]내 손 안에 파인톡!
대국민무료서비스 투자플랫폼 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2024-03-20 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2024-04-29 [target_money] => 57746500 [title_message] => [2차펀딩]내 손 안에 파인톡! 대국민무료서비스 투자플랫폼 [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/b/b693e854f16fdc20475839e53c95fa17.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/b/thumbs/b693e854f16fdc20475839e53c95fa17.png [title_movie] => EqwUYa8WcCk [manager_name] => 백기남 [manager_email] => beakkn@finetalk.co.kr [manager_phone] => 010-9767-7800 [share_cnt] => 0 [homepage] => www.finetalk.kr [total_investpeople] => 2 [total_investnum] => 204 [total_investmoney] => 9996000 [total_investrate] => 17.310140008485 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2024-03-28 15:35:13 [reg_dt] => 2024-03-19 10:49:26 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 0 [successtype] => 00 [successtypenm] => 진행중 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 157 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 74 [publisher_seq] => 4724 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7447530007 [pmt_dt] => 2024-05-10 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2024-05-30 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 50 [target_quantity] => 2357 [stock_price] => 500 [stock_issue_price] => 24500 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 26990104220161 [pbl_acno_nm] => 더파인플랫폼 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 004 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 62200000000 [currentstock] => 2509888 [futurestock] => 2357 [aftersharerate] => 0.09 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 더파인플랫폼주식회사 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 4724 [code] => 24PZU046 [people_seq] => 6034 [name] => 더파인플랫폼주식회사 [enname] => THE FINE PLAT PLATFORM Co.,Ltd. [ceo] => 백기남 [managername] => 유지인 [managerphone] => 02-866-8778 [manageremail] => beakkn@finetalk.co.kr [homepage] => www.finetalk.kr [tel] => 02-866-8778 [fax] => [biznum] => 319-87-01961 [corpnum] => 110111-7650107 [bizstatus] => 정보서비스업 [biz_category] => 포털 및 기타 인터넷 정보 매개서비스 [established_date] => 2020-10-18 [employeenum] => 11 [zipcode] => 08381 [address] => 서울 구로구 디지털로 273 (구로동, 에이스트윈타워2차) [addressdetail] => 에이스트윈타워907,908호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 5322 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 5323 [bankcode] => 004 [bankaccount] => 26990104220161 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-19 10:21:38 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 5322 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/0 [thumburi] => image/0/thumbs/02ab5223bbee06df7efdac7d7eeb54cb.png [uri] => image/0/02ab5223bbee06df7efdac7d7eeb54cb.png [code] => 02ab5223bbee06df7efdac7d7eeb54cb [realname] => 1.로고 이미지.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 44402 [duration] => 0 [width] => 500 [height] => 500 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-19 10:21:38 ) [corpfilelogo] => Array ( [seq] => 5323 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/8 [thumburi] => image/8/thumbs/8195f1e14d9a4d01513862896ba7b34b.png [uri] => image/8/8195f1e14d9a4d01513862896ba7b34b.png [code] => 8195f1e14d9a4d01513862896ba7b34b [realname] => 2.메인 이미지.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 112764 [duration] => 0 [width] => 1000 [height] => 563 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-19 10:21:38 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5324 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/2 [thumburi] => pdf/2/thumbs/29f353864979c768800bff7c188bd6a0.pdf [uri] => pdf/2/29f353864979c768800bff7c188bd6a0.pdf [code] => 29f353864979c768800bff7c188bd6a0 [realname] => 사업자등록증_더파인플랫폼.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 78083 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-19 10:21:38 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5324 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5336 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/9 [thumburi] => pdf/9/thumbs/9ad6dbacc332a2ef5f082cd4268c5d1c.pdf [uri] => pdf/9/9ad6dbacc332a2ef5f082cd4268c5d1c.pdf [code] => 9ad6dbacc332a2ef5f082cd4268c5d1c [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서(말소 포함)_더파인플랫폼_24.03.11.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 747844 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-19 16:10:06 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5336 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5406 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/e3ef3b6b68f5477a70a6b53774eb3c65.pdf [uri] => pdf/e/e3ef3b6b68f5477a70a6b53774eb3c65.pdf [code] => e3ef3b6b68f5477a70a6b53774eb3c65 [realname] => 재무제표확인원_2023년 _최종.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 5782774 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-29 18:12:45 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5406 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5327 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/1 [thumburi] => pdf/1/thumbs/197a3e69c7eec5ef2abd2cc511dd183c.pdf [uri] => pdf/1/197a3e69c7eec5ef2abd2cc511dd183c.pdf [code] => 197a3e69c7eec5ef2abd2cc511dd183c [realname] => 더파인플랫폼 개정정관 수정본(23.11.22).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 5860118 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-19 10:21:38 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5327 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5394 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/4 [thumburi] => pdf/4/thumbs/4dd778abe746010c040da71d0dd88d3e.pdf [uri] => pdf/4/4dd778abe746010c040da71d0dd88d3e.pdf [code] => 4dd778abe746010c040da71d0dd88d3e [realname] => 증권청약서_더파인플랫폼보통주_제2차_공모_24.03.28(연장).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 71538 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 15:36:14 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5394 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5395 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/f [thumburi] => pdf/f/thumbs/f7cad07028dd0844acf35c4195d3d31d.pdf [uri] => pdf/f/f7cad07028dd0844acf35c4195d3d31d.pdf [code] => f7cad07028dd0844acf35c4195d3d31d [realname] => 더파인플랫폼 투자설명서(최종-정정).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 7134550 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 15:36:14 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5395 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5404 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/e2fc4595719bd24889cf01debdf0ecae.pdf [uri] => pdf/e/e2fc4595719bd24889cf01debdf0ecae.pdf [code] => e2fc4595719bd24889cf01debdf0ecae [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서(말소 포함)_더파인플랫폼_24.03.11.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 747844 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-29 18:10:01 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5404 [corpfiletype] => 12 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5405 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/1 [thumburi] => pdf/1/thumbs/147abb7db9cef6218e71a69e14354573.pdf [uri] => pdf/1/147abb7db9cef6218e71a69e14354573.pdf [code] => 147abb7db9cef6218e71a69e14354573 [realname] => 재무제표확인원_2023년 _최종.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 5782774 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-29 18:10:01 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5405 [corpfiletype] => 13 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 9996000 [investcnt] => 2 [cancelamt] => 3675000 [cancelcnt] => 2 ) )
환경오염 방지와 재난재해 예방을 선도하는
IOT, ICT를 접목한 "스마트그레이팅"
주식회사 퀀텀
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 153 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => 환경오염 방지와 재난재해 예방을 선도하는
IOT, ICT를 접목한 "스마트그레이팅" [sname] => [start_dt] => 2023-09-15 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2023-09-27 [target_money] => 50000000 [title_message] => 환경오염 방지와 재난재해 예방을 선도하는 IOT, ICT를 접목한 "스마트그레이팅" [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/b/bd564e7d045b3f3ef9c517e5416182ad.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/b/thumbs/bd564e7d045b3f3ef9c517e5416182ad.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 김민수 [manager_email] => quantumcity22@gmail.com [manager_phone] => 010-8962-3291 [share_cnt] => 0 [homepage] => www.quantumcity.co.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 50000000 [total_investrate] => 100 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2023-09-28 12:23:12 [reg_dt] => 2023-09-14 20:09:15 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 153 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 71 [publisher_seq] => 4133 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7465930006 [pmt_dt] => 2023-10-16 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2023-11-02 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 1 [target_quantity] => 250 [stock_price] => 5000 [stock_issue_price] => 200000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 1005304545529 [pbl_acno_nm] => 주식회사 퀀텀 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 020 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 840000000 [currentstock] => 4000 [futurestock] => 250 [aftersharerate] => 5.90 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 퀀텀 [project_cate_code] => 020 [catename] => 기타 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 4133 [code] => 23PAAC1U [people_seq] => 6286 [name] => 주식회사 퀀텀 [enname] => Quantum Corp [ceo] => 박철국 [managername] => 김민수 [managerphone] => 010-8962-3291 [manageremail] => quantumcity22@gamil.com [homepage] => www.quantumcity.co.kr [tel] => 010-8962-3291 [fax] => [biznum] => 555-87-03376 [corpnum] => 134111-0642921 [bizstatus] => 제조업 [biz_category] => 스틸그레이팅 [established_date] => 2023-08-10 [employeenum] => 3 [zipcode] => 13951 [address] => 경기 안양시 동안구 관악대로 480 (관양동, 우정타운) [addressdetail] => 5층 3호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 5147 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 5148 [bankcode] => 020 [bankaccount] => 1005304545529 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2023-09-14 19:38:14 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 5147 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/e [thumburi] => image/e/thumbs/eba1cc1b6b9278d85c8bb1bd1ee105a0.png [uri] => image/e/eba1cc1b6b9278d85c8bb1bd1ee105a0.png [code] => eba1cc1b6b9278d85c8bb1bd1ee105a0 [realname] => 1. 로고 500x500_퀀텀.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 19792 [duration] => 0 [width] => 500 [height] => 500 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-09-14 19:38:14 ) [corpfilelogo] => Array ( [seq] => 5148 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/5 [thumburi] => image/5/thumbs/5f3ce943db1a583aab012c6fd92ced3b.png [uri] => image/5/5f3ce943db1a583aab012c6fd92ced3b.png [code] => 5f3ce943db1a583aab012c6fd92ced3b [realname] => 2. 메인 이미지 1600x900_퀀텀.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 0 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-09-14 19:38:14 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5149 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/5 [thumburi] => pdf/5/thumbs/55c31ac149f4a531ad03e4b44470e0b2.pdf [uri] => pdf/5/55c31ac149f4a531ad03e4b44470e0b2.pdf [code] => 55c31ac149f4a531ad03e4b44470e0b2 [realname] => 사업자등록증_(주)퀀텀_230814.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1301141 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-09-14 19:38:14 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5149 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5150 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/e2cfd0c688388de155f5da2bce312e2e.pdf [uri] => pdf/e/e2cfd0c688388de155f5da2bce312e2e.pdf [code] => e2cfd0c688388de155f5da2bce312e2e [realname] => 법인등기사항전부증명서_유효_(주)퀀텀_230906.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2172457 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-09-14 19:38:14 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5150 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5151 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/3 [thumburi] => pdf/3/thumbs/37036983bd5d85044205c2ac8573fb59.pdf [uri] => pdf/3/37036983bd5d85044205c2ac8573fb59.pdf [code] => 37036983bd5d85044205c2ac8573fb59 [realname] => 개정정관_(주)퀀텀_230829.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 12284435 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-09-14 19:38:14 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5151 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5152 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/3 [thumburi] => pdf/3/thumbs/3f5db01751783db46ae6c435e395fdb3.pdf [uri] => pdf/3/3f5db01751783db46ae6c435e395fdb3.pdf [code] => 3f5db01751783db46ae6c435e395fdb3 [realname] => 증권청약서_게재용_퀀텀 보통주_1차_공모_230913.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 43536 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-09-14 19:38:14 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5152 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5153 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/eb9b94ab5aa1404f9b0e3d6ff15d836a.pdf [uri] => pdf/e/eb9b94ab5aa1404f9b0e3d6ff15d836a.pdf [code] => eb9b94ab5aa1404f9b0e3d6ff15d836a [realname] => 온라인소액증권 모집정보 게재자료_퀀텀보통주_제1차_230914.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2092506 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-09-14 19:38:14 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5153 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5347 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/9 [thumburi] => pdf/9/thumbs/9d754951771382a3720a87d1da0672e6.pdf [uri] => pdf/9/9d754951771382a3720a87d1da0672e6.pdf [code] => 9d754951771382a3720a87d1da0672e6 [realname] => S28BW-824020516170.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 341696 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-22 17:50:59 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5347 [corpfiletype] => 12 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5393 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/4 [thumburi] => pdf/4/thumbs/4e787de409c39ffa58db099738d0c497.pdf [uri] => pdf/4/4e787de409c39ffa58db099738d0c497.pdf [code] => 4e787de409c39ffa58db099738d0c497 [realname] => 재무제표 확인원(재무상태,손익계산,제조원가명세,이익잉여금처분_세무법인 날인본_240214. [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 196936 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 15:27:04 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5393 [corpfiletype] => 13 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 50000000 [investcnt] => 10 [cancelamt] => 600000 [cancelcnt] => 3 ) )
태권도장 통합 운영관리 플랫폼
주식회사 스포츠이앤티
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 154 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => 태권도장 통합 운영관리 플랫폼
"태권월드" [sname] => [start_dt] => 2023-09-15 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2023-12-01 [target_money] => 50000000 [title_message] => 태권도장 통합 운영관리 플랫폼 "태권월드" [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/6/6df862e0566bd0600994565c6be9184d.jpg [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/6/thumbs/6df862e0566bd0600994565c6be9184d.jpg [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 정현우 [manager_email] => tkw@sportsent@org [manager_phone] => 02-975-1359 [share_cnt] => 0 [homepage] => www.sportsent.org [total_investpeople] => 10 [total_investnum] => 30 [total_investmoney] => 37000000 [total_investrate] => 74 [dpoption] => 1 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2023-11-03 14:36:30 [reg_dt] => 2023-09-14 20:51:53 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 154 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 72 [publisher_seq] => 4134 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7467000006 [pmt_dt] => 2023-12-06 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2023-12-22 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 1 [target_quantity] => 500 [stock_price] => 100 [stock_issue_price] => 100000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 1005704472453 [pbl_acno_nm] => 주식회사 스포츠이앤티 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 020 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 62000000000 [currentstock] => 620000 [futurestock] => 500 [aftersharerate] => 0.08 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 스포츠이앤티 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 4134 [code] => 23PXXE2U [people_seq] => 6213 [name] => 주식회사 스포츠이앤티 [enname] => SportsENT INC [ceo] => 장경숙 [managername] => 정현우 [managerphone] => 010-7183-1359 [manageremail] => tkw@sportsent.org [homepage] => www.sportsent.org [tel] => 02-975-1359 [fax] => [biznum] => 830-88-02877 [corpnum] => 110111-8542981 [bizstatus] => 정보통신업 [biz_category] => 컴퓨터 프로그래밍 서비스업 [established_date] => 2023-02-01 [employeenum] => 12 [zipcode] => 02010 [address] => 서울 중랑구 동일로151길 13 (묵동, 원창빌딩) [addressdetail] => 2층 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 5167 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 5155 [bankcode] => 020 [bankaccount] => 1005704472453 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2023-09-14 19:54:35 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 5167 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/8 [thumburi] => image/8/thumbs/85695ed3e2234e5f8db1972ebb0f66dc.png [uri] => image/8/85695ed3e2234e5f8db1972ebb0f66dc.png [code] => 85695ed3e2234e5f8db1972ebb0f66dc [realname] => 로고_스포츠이앤티 123.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 21254 [duration] => 0 [width] => 500 [height] => 500 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-09-14 20:58:01 ) [corpfilelogo] => Array ( [seq] => 5155 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/1 [thumburi] => image/1/thumbs/1c8c9f072677af9c3d9a878b7198fcf7.jpg [uri] => image/1/1c8c9f072677af9c3d9a878b7198fcf7.jpg [code] => 1c8c9f072677af9c3d9a878b7198fcf7 [realname] => 1600x900_스포츠.jpg [filetype] => jpg [filesize] => 0 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-09-14 19:54:35 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5156 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/d [thumburi] => pdf/d/thumbs/d2194b793f1f3207a05804098bb76078.pdf [uri] => pdf/d/d2194b793f1f3207a05804098bb76078.pdf [code] => d2194b793f1f3207a05804098bb76078 [realname] => 사업자등록증_(주)스포츠이앤티_230822.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 858383 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-09-14 19:54:35 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5156 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5157 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/9 [thumburi] => pdf/9/thumbs/912fada03e6e3a8edb57e2d5cac2c756.pdf [uri] => pdf/9/912fada03e6e3a8edb57e2d5cac2c756.pdf [code] => 912fada03e6e3a8edb57e2d5cac2c756 [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_법인_말소_(주)스포츠이앤티_230913.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 350019 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-09-14 19:54:35 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5157 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5158 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/8 [thumburi] => pdf/8/thumbs/84888c210bcfe37875e9efd1cd437821.pdf [uri] => pdf/8/84888c210bcfe37875e9efd1cd437821.pdf [code] => 84888c210bcfe37875e9efd1cd437821 [realname] => 개정정관_(주)스포츠이앤티_230901.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 663724 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-09-14 19:54:35 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5158 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5271 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/c [thumburi] => pdf/c/thumbs/c686f2b05d83ccd3116132e0690ab406.pdf [uri] => pdf/c/c686f2b05d83ccd3116132e0690ab406.pdf [code] => c686f2b05d83ccd3116132e0690ab406 [realname] => 증권청약서_게재용_스포츠이앤티 보통주 제1차_공모_4차일정변경_231103.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 41502 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-11-03 15:28:12 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5271 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5272 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/b [thumburi] => pdf/b/thumbs/ba5238002746788f7779bdbf81166665.pdf [uri] => pdf/b/ba5238002746788f7779bdbf81166665.pdf [code] => ba5238002746788f7779bdbf81166665 [realname] => 온라인소액증권 모집정보 게재자료_스포츠이앤티보통주 제1차_4차기간연장_231103.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 6540056 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-11-03 15:28:12 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5272 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 37000000 [investcnt] => 9 [cancelamt] => 10400000 [cancelcnt] => 8 ) )
내 손 안에 파인톡!
대국민무료서비스 투자플랫폼
더파인플랫폼 주식회사
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 152 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => 내 손 안에 파인톡!
대국민무료서비스 투자플랫폼 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2023-07-06 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2023-08-18 [target_money] => 294000000 [title_message] => 내 손 안에 파인톡! 대국민무료서비스 투자플랫폼 [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/a/a1816bfc826dca7ce8bb91f800dc8dab.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/a/thumbs/a1816bfc826dca7ce8bb91f800dc8dab.png [title_movie] => EqwUYa8WcCk [manager_name] => 백기남 [manager_email] => beakkn@finetalk.co.kr [manager_phone] => 010-9767-7800 [share_cnt] => 9 [homepage] => www.finetalk.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 242256000 [total_investrate] => 82.4 [dpoption] => 1 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2024-03-19 16:27:45 [reg_dt] => 2023-06-22 12:17:08 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 152 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 70 [publisher_seq] => 3055 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7447530007 [pmt_dt] => 2023-08-30 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2023-09-18 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 50 [target_quantity] => 4500 [stock_price] => 500 [stock_issue_price] => 24500 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 26990104220161 [pbl_acno_nm] => 더파인플랫폼 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 004 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 61300000000 [currentstock] => 2500000 [futurestock] => 12000 [aftersharerate] => 0.48 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 더파인플랫폼 주식회사 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 3055 [code] => 23P6WVUW [people_seq] => 6034 [name] => 더파인플랫폼 주식회사 [enname] => THE FINE PLAT PLATFORM Co.,Ltd. [ceo] => 백기남 [managername] => 유지인 [managerphone] => 02-866-8778 [manageremail] => beakkn@finetalk.co.kr [homepage] => www.finetalk.kr [tel] => 02-866-8778 [fax] => [biznum] => 319-87-01961 [corpnum] => 110111-7650107 [bizstatus] => 정보서비스업 [biz_category] => 포털 및 기타 인터넷 정보 매개서비스 [established_date] => 2020-10-18 [employeenum] => 11 [zipcode] => 08381 [address] => 서울 구로구 디지털로 273 (구로동, 에이스트윈타워2차) [addressdetail] => 907호, 908호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 4850 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 4851 [bankcode] => 004 [bankaccount] => 26990104220161 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2023-06-22 12:13:53 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 4850 [mType] => image [path] => 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=> 743d4beed8b58abad197606b0c66394a [realname] => 사업자등록증_더파인플랫폼(주)_221019.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 78083 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-07-05 16:52:52 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4852 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4853 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/2 [thumburi] => pdf/2/thumbs/208e53c2d8ee2207337061cf39a30350.pdf [uri] => pdf/2/208e53c2d8ee2207337061cf39a30350.pdf [code] => 208e53c2d8ee2207337061cf39a30350 [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_말소_더파인플랫폼(주)_230612.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 756357 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-07-05 16:52:52 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4853 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5407 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/c [thumburi] => pdf/c/thumbs/c83211947d5486e64620cf1f86be0ae2.pdf [uri] => pdf/c/c83211947d5486e64620cf1f86be0ae2.pdf [code] => c83211947d5486e64620cf1f86be0ae2 [realname] => 재무제표확인원_2023년 _최종.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 5782774 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-29 18:14:02 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5407 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4854 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/d [thumburi] => pdf/d/thumbs/d3f7b51300228a1197a73085d74042de.pdf [uri] => pdf/d/d3f7b51300228a1197a73085d74042de.pdf [code] => d3f7b51300228a1197a73085d74042de [realname] => 정관_더파인플랫폼(주)_221013.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 8088853 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-07-05 16:52:52 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4854 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5049 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/1 [thumburi] => pdf/1/thumbs/14a81bd08b98f9b0c5504047b61efa09.pdf [uri] => pdf/1/14a81bd08b98f9b0c5504047b61efa09.pdf [code] => 14a81bd08b98f9b0c5504047b61efa09 [realname] => 증권청약서_증액 및 일정변경_게재용_더파인플랫폼 보통주_1차_공모_230728.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 41629 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-07-31 10:07:01 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5049 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5050 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/ed4506366294852814b034c29a81a4e0.pdf [uri] => pdf/e/ed4506366294852814b034c29a81a4e0.pdf [code] => ed4506366294852814b034c29a81a4e0 [realname] => 온라인소액증권 모집정보 게재자료_청약일정변경_더파인플랫폼보통주_제1차_230729.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 3987116 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-07-31 10:07:01 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5050 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5402 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/a [thumburi] => pdf/a/thumbs/a5c8d889de17dfb8cba352bbdbd22c4c.pdf [uri] => pdf/a/a5c8d889de17dfb8cba352bbdbd22c4c.pdf [code] => a5c8d889de17dfb8cba352bbdbd22c4c [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서(말소 포함)_더파인플랫폼_24.03.11.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 747844 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-29 18:08:10 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5402 [corpfiletype] => 12 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5403 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/e64b45624cf8738e929f68c2d86274d3.pdf [uri] => pdf/e/e64b45624cf8738e929f68c2d86274d3.pdf [code] => e64b45624cf8738e929f68c2d86274d3 [realname] => 재무제표확인원_2023년 _최종.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 5782774 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-29 18:08:10 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5403 [corpfiletype] => 13 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 242256000 [investcnt] => 61 [cancelamt] => 46746000 [cancelcnt] => 19 ) )
소금의 가치를 높히는 기업
More than Salt
주식회사 화이트디어스토리
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 150 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => 소금의 가치를 높히는 기업
More than Salt [sname] => [start_dt] => 2023-06-09 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2023-06-19 [target_money] => 50000000 [title_message] => 소금의 가치를 높히는 기업_More than Salt [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/6/6afd419bebd159a706d6677f289e6b3b.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/6/thumbs/6afd419bebd159a706d6677f289e6b3b.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 황정구 [manager_email] => higkorea@gmail.com [manager_phone] => 010-2764-3489 [share_cnt] => 9 [homepage] => www.morethansalt.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 50000000 [total_investrate] => 100 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2023-06-20 09:04:24 [reg_dt] => 2023-05-24 10:03:33 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 150 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 68 [publisher_seq] => 3052 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7458990009 [pmt_dt] => 2023-06-29 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2023-07-18 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 10 [target_quantity] => 500 [stock_price] => 5000 [stock_issue_price] => 100000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 38180104112685 [pbl_acno_nm] => 화이트디어스토리 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 004 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 2050000000 [currentstock] => 20000 [futurestock] => 500 [aftersharerate] => 2.44 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 화이트디어스토리 [project_cate_code] => 015 [catename] => 푸드 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 3052 [code] => 23PBWV3F [people_seq] => 5978 [name] => 주식회사 화이트디어스토리 [enname] => Withe Deer Story Co.,Ltd. [ceo] => 이성준 [managername] => 황정구 [managerphone] => 010-2764-3489 [manageremail] => higkorea@gmail.com [homepage] => www.morethansalt.kr [tel] => 070-7599-7875 [fax] => [biznum] => 885-81-03144 [corpnum] => 110111-8580387 [bizstatus] => 도매 및 소매업 [biz_category] => 소금, 전자상거래 [established_date] => 2023-03-13 [employeenum] => 3 [zipcode] => 05560 [address] => 서울 송파구 백제고분로7길 28-5 (잠실동) [addressdetail] => 지하1층 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 4759 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 4760 [bankcode] => 004 [bankaccount] => 38180104112685 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2023-05-23 14:33:31 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 4759 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/3 [thumburi] => image/3/thumbs/3f7220cb2f9382c266c665689f86a779.png [uri] => image/3/3f7220cb2f9382c266c665689f86a779.png [code] => 3f7220cb2f9382c266c665689f86a779 [realname] => 로고.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 140144 [duration] => 0 [width] => 500 [height] => 500 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-06-07 09:57:24 ) [corpfilelogo] => Array ( [seq] => 4760 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/e [thumburi] => image/e/thumbs/efbcd4cb865212b48bf14d3f4cc77a6a.png [uri] => image/e/efbcd4cb865212b48bf14d3f4cc77a6a.png [code] => efbcd4cb865212b48bf14d3f4cc77a6a [realname] => 대표이미지_아시아.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 298048 [duration] => 0 [width] => 1600 [height] => 900 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-06-07 09:57:24 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4761 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/2 [thumburi] => pdf/2/thumbs/2e43df75b2d37a729818c5fed8f9f481.pdf [uri] => pdf/2/2e43df75b2d37a729818c5fed8f9f481.pdf [code] => 2e43df75b2d37a729818c5fed8f9f481 [realname] => 사업자등록증_(주)화이트디어스토리_2320317.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 950731 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-06-07 09:57:24 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4761 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4767 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/b [thumburi] => pdf/b/thumbs/beedf3532047c310e8a0ac94a6955863.pdf [uri] => pdf/b/beedf3532047c310e8a0ac94a6955863.pdf [code] => beedf3532047c310e8a0ac94a6955863 [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_(주)화이트디어스토리_230607-복사.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1028361 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-06-08 09:42:19 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4767 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4763 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/f [thumburi] => pdf/f/thumbs/f386d08019d828948d64e8d80656940a.pdf [uri] => pdf/f/f386d08019d828948d64e8d80656940a.pdf [code] => f386d08019d828948d64e8d80656940a [realname] => 개정정관_(주)화이트디어스토리_2230520.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 4508447 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-06-07 09:57:24 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4763 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4764 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/c [thumburi] => pdf/c/thumbs/c3ff0b7c9c08784e5c1b898e2c9138e8.pdf [uri] => pdf/c/c3ff0b7c9c08784e5c1b898e2c9138e8.pdf [code] => c3ff0b7c9c08784e5c1b898e2c9138e8 [realname] => 증권청약서_게재용_화이트디어스토리보통주_제1차_공모_230603.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 43522 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-06-07 09:57:24 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4764 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4768 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/9 [thumburi] => pdf/9/thumbs/974aea29a7252869581d89eb9d90a41b.pdf [uri] => pdf/9/974aea29a7252869581d89eb9d90a41b.pdf [code] => 974aea29a7252869581d89eb9d90a41b [realname] => 온라인소액증권 모집정보 게재자료_화이트디어스토리보통주_제1차_230608.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 3532397 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-06-08 09:42:19 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4768 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 50000000 [investcnt] => 10 [cancelamt] => 1000000 [cancelcnt] => 1 ) )
[3차펀딩]차세대 스크린골프 AI
무인티칭 솔루션 제공 기업
주식회사 비케이엠
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 151 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => [3차펀딩]차세대 스크린골프 AI
무인티칭 솔루션 제공 기업 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2023-06-05 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2023-06-14 [target_money] => 12100000 [title_message] => [3차펀딩] 차세대 스크린골프 AI 무인티칭 솔루션 제공기업 [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 1 [title_img_file] => project/image/a/a53dcbc948fcee8b6c29340479e712bc.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/a/thumbs/a53dcbc948fcee8b6c29340479e712bc.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 전성식 [manager_email] => shot1004@naver.com [manager_phone] => 010-3059-5243 [share_cnt] => 9 [homepage] => www.bkm2001.net [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 12100000 [total_investrate] => 100 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2023-06-15 09:03:09 [reg_dt] => 2023-06-02 16:07:21 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 151 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 69 [publisher_seq] => 3054 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7448860007 [pmt_dt] => 2023-06-26 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2023-07-13 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 1 [target_quantity] => 1100 [stock_price] => 100 [stock_issue_price] => 11000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 1005104457154 [pbl_acno_nm] => 주식회사 비케이엠 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 020 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => Y [entvalue] => 104900000000 [currentstock] => 9528683 [futurestock] => 1100 [aftersharerate] => 0.01 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 비케이엠 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 3054 [code] => 23PDPOB3M [people_seq] => 5112 [name] => 주식회사 비케이엠 [enname] => BKM Co.,Ltd [ceo] => 배성우 [managername] => 전성식 [managerphone] => 010-3059-5243 [manageremail] => shot1004@naver.com [homepage] => www.bkm2001.net [tel] => 02-3663-1226 [fax] => [biznum] => 486-87-01432 [corpnum] => 110111-6990330 [bizstatus] => 제조업 [biz_category] => 스크린골프, 골프용품 및 스포츠용품 제조업 [established_date] => 2019-01-18 [employeenum] => 10 [zipcode] => 07547 [address] => 서울 강서구 양천로 583 (염창동, 우림블루나인비즈니스센터) [addressdetail] => A동 19층 04호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 4746 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 4738 [bankcode] => 020 [bankaccount] => 1005104457154 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2023-06-02 16:04:19 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 4746 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/6 [thumburi] => image/6/thumbs/6691b0012926a7151d8806be59c9f109.png [uri] => image/6/6691b0012926a7151d8806be59c9f109.png [code] => 6691b0012926a7151d8806be59c9f109 [realname] => 01로고_500_500.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 20921 [duration] => 0 [width] => 500 [height] => 500 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-06-02 17:47:01 ) [corpfilelogo] => Array ( [seq] => 4738 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/6 [thumburi] => image/6/thumbs/634c805e0029008d215888647e254a59.png [uri] => image/6/634c805e0029008d215888647e254a59.png [code] => 634c805e0029008d215888647e254a59 [realname] => 비케이엠 대표이미지 _3차.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 1899261 [duration] => 0 [width] => 1529 [height] => 900 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-06-02 16:04:19 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4740 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/9 [thumburi] => pdf/9/thumbs/9f6c814609bb3d7ec26235d4c2f9645b.pdf [uri] => pdf/9/9f6c814609bb3d7ec26235d4c2f9645b.pdf [code] => 9f6c814609bb3d7ec26235d4c2f9645b [realname] => 사업자등록증_(주)비케이엠_221125 (1).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 261471 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-06-02 17:18:58 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4740 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4741 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/6 [thumburi] => pdf/6/thumbs/69f71a07f3d95917f98c6654b09163f6.pdf [uri] => pdf/6/69f71a07f3d95917f98c6654b09163f6.pdf [code] => 69f71a07f3d95917f98c6654b09163f6 [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_말소_(주)비케이엠_230524.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2307909 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 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[comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 12100000 [investcnt] => 3 [cancelamt] => 11000 [cancelcnt] => 1 ) )
세계인의 앱테크 펌킨미디어
주식회사 단우테크놀로지
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 149 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => 세계인의 앱테크 펌킨미디어 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2023-06-01 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2023-06-29 [target_money] => 100011000 [title_message] => 세계인의 앱테크 펌킨미디어 [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/d/d62f04ef59f1db8af59f545b28cf0d0c.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/d/thumbs/d62f04ef59f1db8af59f545b28cf0d0c.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 박준현 [manager_email] => info@danwoo.biz [manager_phone] => 070-4707-8683 [share_cnt] => 9 [homepage] => www.danwoo-ai.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 0 [total_investrate] => 0 [dpoption] => 1 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2023-06-29 15:01:48 [reg_dt] => 2023-05-24 09:53:00 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 149 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 67 [publisher_seq] => 3053 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7458960002 [pmt_dt] => 2023-07-11 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2023-07-28 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 20 [target_quantity] => 3774 [stock_price] => 500 [stock_issue_price] => 26500 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 33291005336404 [pbl_acno_nm] => 단우테크놀로지 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 081 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => Y [entvalue] => 14600000000 [currentstock] => 506000 [futurestock] => 3774 [aftersharerate] => 0.74 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 단우테크놀로지 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 3053 [code] => 23PHE1Q3K [people_seq] => 5604 [name] => 주식회사 단우테크놀로지 [enname] => Dan Woo Technology Co., Ltd. [ceo] => 허규섭 [managername] => 박준현 [managerphone] => 010-9603-0318 [manageremail] => info@danwoo.biz [homepage] => www.danwoo-ai.kr [tel] => 070-4707-8683 [fax] => [biznum] => 661-87-02731 [corpnum] => 120111-1216739 [bizstatus] => 정보통신업 [biz_category] => 소프트웨어 개발 및 제조,유통,유지보수 [established_date] => 2022-02-28 [employeenum] => 6 [zipcode] => 08513 [address] => 서울 금천구 가산로9길 66 (가산동, 더리즌밸리 지식산업센터) [addressdetail] => 603호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 4720 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 4718 [bankcode] => 081 [bankaccount] => 33291005336404 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2023-05-24 09:49:14 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 4720 [mType] => image [path] => 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image/3/3a4e7b6b089edf7e7f9a2f14d9cfd399.png [code] => 3a4e7b6b089edf7e7f9a2f14d9cfd399 [realname] => 사업자등록증(단우테크놀로지).png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 1940211 [duration] => 0 [width] => 771 [height] => 1110 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-05-25 09:13:39 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4723 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4724 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/6 [thumburi] => pdf/6/thumbs/60eb2ebcbeab22ae4d91e3a646d1dbe6.pdf [uri] => pdf/6/60eb2ebcbeab22ae4d91e3a646d1dbe6.pdf [code] => 60eb2ebcbeab22ae4d91e3a646d1dbe6 [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_말소_(주)단우테크놀로지_230517.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1089251 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-05-25 09:13:39 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4724 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4725 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/2 [thumburi] => pdf/2/thumbs/203fe3c32ff58a801457a65fa8030606.pdf [uri] => pdf/2/203fe3c32ff58a801457a65fa8030606.pdf [code] => 203fe3c32ff58a801457a65fa8030606 [realname] => 재무제표증명원_2022년_(주)단우테크놀로지.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 335813 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-05-25 09:13:39 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4725 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4726 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/7 [thumburi] => pdf/7/thumbs/717028ced6d100c35c53afd21b394bae.pdf [uri] => pdf/7/717028ced6d100c35c53afd21b394bae.pdf [code] => 717028ced6d100c35c53afd21b394bae [realname] => 3차 개정정관_(주)단우테크놀로지_원본대조필_인감날인본_230515.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 12613705 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-05-25 09:13:39 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4726 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4735 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/f [thumburi] => pdf/f/thumbs/ff947715668d02a902c1c1c70db3eb4c.pdf [uri] => pdf/f/ff947715668d02a902c1c1c70db3eb4c.pdf [code] => ff947715668d02a902c1c1c70db3eb4c [realname] => 증권청약서_게재용_단우테크놀로지보통주_제1차_공모_230522 (1).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 43621 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-05-31 10:07:47 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4735 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4736 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/7 [thumburi] => pdf/7/thumbs/7192d8b618b2ed6ec89a3e86ca770f1d.pdf [uri] => pdf/7/7192d8b618b2ed6ec89a3e86ca770f1d.pdf [code] => 7192d8b618b2ed6ec89a3e86ca770f1d [realname] => 온라인소액증권 모집정보 게재자료_단우테크놀로지보통주_제1차_230531 (1).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 3180944 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-05-31 10:07:47 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4736 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 0 [investcnt] => 0 [cancelamt] => 25758000 [cancelcnt] => 6 ) )
첨단재생의료와 오수건설로 인류와
반려동물에게 행복한 삶을 선사합니다
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 148 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => 첨단재생의료와 오수건설로 인류와
반려동물에게 행복한 삶을 선사합니다 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2023-05-02 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2023-05-16 [target_money] => 60000000 [title_message] => 첨단재생의료와 오수건설로 인류와 반려동물에게 행복한 삶을 선사합니다 [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 12 [title_img_file] => project/image/8/8d648c7c2c97b244db0420ad626fb79a.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/8/thumbs/8d648c7c2c97b244db0420ad626fb79a.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 육철호 [manager_email] => hypp9th@gmail.com [manager_phone] => 010-3455-8783 [share_cnt] => 9 [homepage] => www.osugen.co.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 61000000 [total_investrate] => 101.66666666667 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2023-05-17 09:47:11 [reg_dt] => 2023-04-28 17:10:11 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 148 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 66 [publisher_seq] => 3051 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7456910009 [pmt_dt] => 2023-05-26 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2023-06-15 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 20 [target_quantity] => 2400 [stock_price] => 500 [stock_issue_price] => 25000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 1005604469263 [pbl_acno_nm] => 오수젠 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 020 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 1400000000 [currentstock] => 50000 [futurestock] => 2400 [aftersharerate] => 4.60 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => (주)오수젠 [project_cate_code] => 019 [catename] => 의료·건강 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 3051 [code] => 23PX2BGTR [people_seq] => 201 [name] => (주)오수젠 [enname] => Osugen Co.,Ltd [ceo] => 조현철 [managername] => 육철호 [managerphone] => 010-3455-8783 [manageremail] => hypp9th@gmail.com [homepage] => www.osugen.co.kr [tel] => 070-8801-8783 [fax] => [biznum] => 778-87-01840 [corpnum] => 121111-0390442 [bizstatus] => 전문,과학 및 기술서비스업 [biz_category] => 펫관련프랜차이즈업 [established_date] => 2020-06-22 [employeenum] => 8 [zipcode] => 14786 [address] => 경기 부천시 부광로 220 (옥길동, 우성테크노파크Ⅰ) [addressdetail] => 8층 804호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 4597 [corpimage_b] 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17:04:59 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4588 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/d [thumburi] => image/d/thumbs/d92ad42a39109bb098754ec33ec372bb.jpg [uri] => image/d/d92ad42a39109bb098754ec33ec372bb.jpg [code] => d92ad42a39109bb098754ec33ec372bb [realname] => 사업자등록증_(주)오수젠_230227.jpg [filetype] => jpg [filesize] => 455432 [duration] => 0 [width] => 1654 [height] => 2338 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-04-28 17:04:59 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4588 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4589 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/3 [thumburi] => pdf/3/thumbs/31d816fe636a84f16eb74b5dd82df556.pdf [uri] => pdf/3/31d816fe636a84f16eb74b5dd82df556.pdf [code] => 31d816fe636a84f16eb74b5dd82df556 [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_말소_(주)오수젠_230421.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 4564079 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-04-28 17:04:59 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4589 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4598 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/0 [thumburi] => pdf/0/thumbs/01d57866d40c356c7b0d67d2bb83fdc7.pdf [uri] => pdf/0/01d57866d40c356c7b0d67d2bb83fdc7.pdf [code] => 01d57866d40c356c7b0d67d2bb83fdc7 [realname] => 재무제표_오수젠(20년~22년).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 19229091 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-05-01 13:04:56 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4598 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4590 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/c [thumburi] => pdf/c/thumbs/c3f40f72c8a3a90c12cbb19230f781f3.pdf [uri] => pdf/c/c3f40f72c8a3a90c12cbb19230f781f3.pdf [code] => c3f40f72c8a3a90c12cbb19230f781f3 [realname] => 정관 개정본_원본대조필_(주)오수젠_230418.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 8615965 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-04-28 17:04:59 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4590 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4603 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/7 [thumburi] => pdf/7/thumbs/7b5b1212b2cfb416004cde6e07029ebf.pdf [uri] => pdf/7/7b5b1212b2cfb416004cde6e07029ebf.pdf [code] => 7b5b1212b2cfb416004cde6e07029ebf [realname] => 증권청약서_게재용_오수젠 보통주_1차_공모_230427(수정).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 41133 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-05-01 18:14:16 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4603 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4604 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/2 [thumburi] => pdf/2/thumbs/2e6541a8e851198e97cad6b6905a72f4.pdf [uri] => pdf/2/2e6541a8e851198e97cad6b6905a72f4.pdf [code] 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pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/3 [thumburi] => pdf/3/thumbs/3a64436bf260256bdcf58e2f07ff4fc4.pdf [uri] => pdf/3/3a64436bf260256bdcf58e2f07ff4fc4.pdf [code] => 3a64436bf260256bdcf58e2f07ff4fc4 [realname] => (주)오수젠_결산자료 최종.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1306418 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 15:26:36 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5392 [corpfiletype] => 13 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 61000000 [investcnt] => 30 [cancelamt] => 3500000 [cancelcnt] => 3 ) )
[2차펀딩]차세대 스크린골프 AI
무인티칭 솔루션 제공 기업
주식회사 비케이엠
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 147 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => [2차펀딩]차세대 스크린골프 AI
무인티칭 솔루션 제공 기업 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2023-04-05 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2023-05-08 [target_money] => 264000000 [title_message] => [2차펀딩] 차세대 스크린골프 AI 무인티칭 솔루션 제공기업 [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 3 [title_img_file] => project/image/4/484c31858b110e565d76c70b1f49f64a.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/4/thumbs/484c31858b110e565d76c70b1f49f64a.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 전성식 [manager_email] => shot1004@naver.com [manager_phone] => 010-3059-5243 [share_cnt] => 9 [homepage] => www.bkm2001.net [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 249513000 [total_investrate] => 94.5125 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2023-05-09 08:39:02 [reg_dt] => 2023-04-03 14:41:02 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 147 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 65 [publisher_seq] => 3050 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7448860007 [pmt_dt] => 2023-05-18 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2023-06-07 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 1 [target_quantity] => 24000 [stock_price] => 100 [stock_issue_price] => 11000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 1005104457154 [pbl_acno_nm] => 주식회사 비케이엠 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 020 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => Y [entvalue] => 105000000000 [currentstock] => 9506000 [futurestock] => 24000 [aftersharerate] => 0.25 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 비케이엠 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 3050 [code] => 23PBDOMTL [people_seq] => 5112 [name] => 주식회사 비케이엠 [enname] => BKMCo.,Ltd [ceo] => 배성우 [managername] => 전성식 [managerphone] => 010-3059-5243 [manageremail] => shot1004@naver.com [homepage] => www.bkm2001.net [tel] => 02-3663-1226 [fax] => [biznum] => 486-87-01432 [corpnum] => 110111-6990330 [bizstatus] => 제조업 [biz_category] => 스크린골프,골프용품및 스포츠용품제조업 [established_date] => 2019-01-18 [employeenum] => 10 [zipcode] => 07547 [address] => 서울 강서구 양천로 583 (염창동, 우림블루나인비즈니스센터) [addressdetail] => A동 19층 04호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 4388 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => [bankcode] => 020 [bankaccount] => 1005104457154 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2023-04-03 14:35:46 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 4388 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/2 [thumburi] => image/2/thumbs/2f26871c0738a7930864f3b97f8da642.png [uri] => image/2/2f26871c0738a7930864f3b97f8da642.png [code] => 2f26871c0738a7930864f3b97f8da642 [realname] => 01로고_500_500.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 20921 [duration] => 0 [width] => 500 [height] => 500 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-04-03 17:23:58 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4379 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/3 [thumburi] => pdf/3/thumbs/3b333f39013275b2c47c938d221487e7.pdf [uri] => pdf/3/3b333f39013275b2c47c938d221487e7.pdf [code] => 3b333f39013275b2c47c938d221487e7 [realname] => 사업자등록증_(주)비케이엠_221125 (1).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 261471 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-04-03 14:35:46 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4379 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4380 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/0 [thumburi] => pdf/0/thumbs/087cc1e0cdf5c02eff953b701116af80.pdf [uri] => pdf/0/087cc1e0cdf5c02eff953b701116af80.pdf [code] => 087cc1e0cdf5c02eff953b701116af80 [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_말소_(주)비케이엠_230314 (1).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2092073 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-04-03 14:35:46 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4380 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4381 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/4 [thumburi] => pdf/4/thumbs/4bf5f1fbdceea961facb16e87db85fc1.pdf [uri] => pdf/4/4bf5f1fbdceea961facb16e87db85fc1.pdf [code] => 4bf5f1fbdceea961facb16e87db85fc1 [realname] => 재무제표(비케이엠_홈페이지용).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 8829261 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-04-03 14:35:46 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4381 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4382 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/d [thumburi] => pdf/d/thumbs/d98808d596040083cb1cf21255ada107.pdf [uri] => pdf/d/d98808d596040083cb1cf21255ada107.pdf [code] => d98808d596040083cb1cf21255ada107 [realname] => 정관_(주)비케이엠_221119 (1).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 6465677 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-04-03 14:35:46 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4382 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4384 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/2 [thumburi] => pdf/2/thumbs/2061d5c1876df574cf43f6b072283fd1.pdf [uri] => pdf/2/2061d5c1876df574cf43f6b072283fd1.pdf [code] => 2061d5c1876df574cf43f6b072283fd1 [realname] => 증권청약서_게재용_비케이엠 보통주_2차_공모_230401.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 42599 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-04-03 17:21:22 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4384 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4385 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/7 [thumburi] => pdf/7/thumbs/7aa4dceb2c16805a2acb63e2bae6a901.pdf [uri] => pdf/7/7aa4dceb2c16805a2acb63e2bae6a901.pdf [code] => 7aa4dceb2c16805a2acb63e2bae6a901 [realname] => 온라앤소액증권 모집정보 게재자료_비케이엠 보통주 제2차_230404.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 5320749 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-04-03 17:21:22 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4385 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4386 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/7 [thumburi] => pdf/7/thumbs/70cf3a5ce11082d2bef4bbd0707e9f2b.pdf [uri] => pdf/7/70cf3a5ce11082d2bef4bbd0707e9f2b.pdf [code] => 70cf3a5ce11082d2bef4bbd0707e9f2b [realname] => BKM_벤쳐기업확인서 (1).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 257699 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-04-03 17:21:22 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4386 [corpfiletype] => 4 [corpimage] => [comment] => 기타파일 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5353 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/2 [thumburi] => pdf/2/thumbs/20d4b6980947a2daa9fb570cd7b332d3.pdf [uri] => pdf/2/20d4b6980947a2daa9fb570cd7b332d3.pdf [code] => 20d4b6980947a2daa9fb570cd7b332d3 [realname] => BKM_법인등기부등본240307.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 490848 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-26 15:09:17 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5353 [corpfiletype] => 12 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5354 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/b [thumburi] => pdf/b/thumbs/b8b310b7f3f19f6c57ff5ae2e45cc889.pdf [uri] => pdf/b/b8b310b7f3f19f6c57ff5ae2e45cc889.pdf [code] => b8b310b7f3f19f6c57ff5ae2e45cc889 [realname] => 감사보고서_BKM_2023_날인-복사.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 661532 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-26 15:09:17 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5354 [corpfiletype] => 13 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 249513000 [investcnt] => 42 [cancelamt] => 35090000 [cancelcnt] => 10 ) )
[1차펀딩]차세대 스크린골프 AI
무인티칭 솔루션 제공 기업
주식회사 비케이엠
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 146 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => [1차펀딩]차세대 스크린골프 AI
무인티칭 솔루션 제공 기업 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2023-03-20 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2023-03-31 [target_money] => 54000000 [title_message] => [1차펀딩]차세대 스크린골프 AI 무인티칭 솔루션 제공기업 [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/7/75f8448326332526754b6b38b2833c81.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/7/thumbs/75f8448326332526754b6b38b2833c81.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 전성식 [manager_email] => shot1004@naver.com [manager_phone] => 010-3059-5243 [share_cnt] => 9 [homepage] => www.bkm2001.net [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 54000000 [total_investrate] => 100 [dpoption] => 1 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2023-06-02 18:56:52 [reg_dt] => 2023-03-13 14:38:27 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 146 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 64 [publisher_seq] => 3049 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7448860007 [pmt_dt] => 2023-04-17 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2023-05-04 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 1 [target_quantity] => 6000 [stock_price] => 100 [stock_issue_price] => 9000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 1005104457154 [pbl_acno_nm] => 비케이엠 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 020 [pbl_scts_knd] => [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => Y [entvalue] => 105000000000 [currentstock] => 9500000 [futurestock] => 6000 [aftersharerate] => 0.06 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 비케이엠 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 3049 [code] => 23P8TYB98 [people_seq] => 5112 [name] => 주식회사 비케이엠 [enname] => BKMCo.Ltd. [ceo] => 배성우 [managername] => 전성식 [managerphone] => 010-3059-5243 [manageremail] => shot1004@naver.com [homepage] => www.bkm2001.net [tel] => 02-3663-1226 [fax] => [biznum] => 486-87-01432 [corpnum] => 110111-6990330 [bizstatus] => 제조업 [biz_category] => 스크린골프,골프용품및 스포츠용품 제조 [established_date] => 2019-01-18 [employeenum] => 10 [zipcode] => 07547 [address] => 서울 강서구 양천로 583 (염창동, 우림블루나인비즈니스센터) [addressdetail] => a동 19층 04호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 4176 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 4177 [bankcode] => 020 [bankaccount] => 1005104457154 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-13 14:34:27 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 4176 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/5 [thumburi] => image/5/thumbs/574431fea95c755d643e2b714cd5fcdb.png [uri] => image/5/574431fea95c755d643e2b714cd5fcdb.png [code] => 574431fea95c755d643e2b714cd5fcdb [realname] => 01로고_500_500.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 20921 [duration] => 0 [width] => 500 [height] => 500 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-18 09:44:49 ) [corpfilelogo] => Array ( [seq] => 4177 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/5 [thumburi] => image/5/thumbs/59946cba0517476ef20e417c750ca6bb.png [uri] => image/5/59946cba0517476ef20e417c750ca6bb.png [code] => 59946cba0517476ef20e417c750ca6bb [realname] => 02메인이미지_1600_900.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 1437179 [duration] => 0 [width] => 1600 [height] => 900 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-18 09:44:49 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4178 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/9 [thumburi] => pdf/9/thumbs/97ec549fd603e043b86aed5d22106d25.pdf [uri] => pdf/9/97ec549fd603e043b86aed5d22106d25.pdf [code] => 97ec549fd603e043b86aed5d22106d25 [realname] => 사업자등록증_(주)비케이엠_221125.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 261471 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-18 09:44:49 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4178 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4179 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/b [thumburi] => pdf/b/thumbs/b808f8448c59bc27cf7c7d399cd03c04.pdf [uri] => pdf/b/b808f8448c59bc27cf7c7d399cd03c04.pdf [code] => b808f8448c59bc27cf7c7d399cd03c04 [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_말소_(주)비케이엠_230314.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2092073 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-18 09:44:49 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4179 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4189 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/c [thumburi] => pdf/c/thumbs/c02f52fdad8ae0a95e7724b4b63c8d03.pdf [uri] => pdf/c/c02f52fdad8ae0a95e7724b4b63c8d03.pdf [code] => c02f52fdad8ae0a95e7724b4b63c8d03 [realname] => 재무제표(비케이엠_홈페이지용).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 8829261 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-20 08:42:24 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4189 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4181 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/3 [thumburi] => pdf/3/thumbs/39437affbb9cd32a97c0918a8611299a.pdf [uri] => pdf/3/39437affbb9cd32a97c0918a8611299a.pdf [code] => 39437affbb9cd32a97c0918a8611299a [realname] => 정관_(주)비케이엠_221119.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 6465677 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-18 09:44:49 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4181 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4182 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/2 [thumburi] => pdf/2/thumbs/23e443f2c2aac10be5e263a56c1b157b.pdf [uri] => pdf/2/23e443f2c2aac10be5e263a56c1b157b.pdf [code] => 23e443f2c2aac10be5e263a56c1b157b [realname] => 증권청약서_게재용_비케이엠 보통주_1차_공모_230313.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 42597 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-18 09:44:49 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4182 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4190 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/2 [thumburi] => pdf/2/thumbs/2b66323556a1635129e0fa1daf50561a.pdf [uri] => pdf/2/2b66323556a1635129e0fa1daf50561a.pdf [code] => 2b66323556a1635129e0fa1daf50561a [realname] => 온라앤소액증권 모집정보 게재자료_비케이엠 보통주 제1차_230317(최종).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2852645 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-20 08:42:24 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4190 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4184 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/4 [thumburi] => pdf/4/thumbs/4a4bcf3092051a63241533e7913fd6bd.pdf [uri] => pdf/4/4a4bcf3092051a63241533e7913fd6bd.pdf [code] => 4a4bcf3092051a63241533e7913fd6bd [realname] => BKM_벤쳐기업확인서.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 257699 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-18 09:44:49 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4184 [corpfiletype] => 4 [corpimage] => [comment] => 기타파일 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5351 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/e2dbf7c56cae34e2d9aab605c2aee787.pdf [uri] => pdf/e/e2dbf7c56cae34e2d9aab605c2aee787.pdf [code] => e2dbf7c56cae34e2d9aab605c2aee787 [realname] => BKM_법인등기부등본240307.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 490848 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-26 15:06:57 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5351 [corpfiletype] => 12 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5352 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/4 [thumburi] => pdf/4/thumbs/4dccd6408e34ad579acd467f3286c42d.pdf [uri] => pdf/4/4dccd6408e34ad579acd467f3286c42d.pdf [code] => 4dccd6408e34ad579acd467f3286c42d [realname] => 감사보고서_BKM_2023_날인-복사.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 661532 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-26 15:06:57 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5352 [corpfiletype] => 13 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 54000000 [investcnt] => 11 [cancelamt] => 35010000 [cancelcnt] => 8 ) )
지도정보+위치정보 실시간 구인구직
주식회사 디벨록
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 139 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => 지도정보+위치정보 실시간 구인구직
플랫폼 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2023-03-14 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2023-04-10 [target_money] => 150000000 [title_message] => 지도정보+위치정보 실시간 구인구직 플랫폼 [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 3 [title_img_file] => project/image/b/bef6e35317a51890d77ace83744d416f.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/b/thumbs/bef6e35317a51890d77ace83744d416f.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 허선만 [manager_email] => caos0626@gmail.com [manager_phone] => 010-6713-0123 [share_cnt] => 11 [homepage] => https://develock.com [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 150000000 [total_investrate] => 100 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2023-05-10 11:00:52 [reg_dt] => 2022-11-29 12:23:50 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 139 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 59 [publisher_seq] => 2824 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7451560007 [pmt_dt] => 2023-05-04 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2022-05-25 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 25 [target_quantity] => 3750 [stock_price] => 1000 [stock_issue_price] => 40000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 100034616231 [pbl_acno_nm] => 주식회사 디벨록 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 088 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 56000000000 [currentstock] => 1400000 [futurestock] => 3750 [aftersharerate] => 0.18 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 디벨록 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 2824 [code] => 22PN3P95H [people_seq] => 4379 [name] => 주식회사 디벨록 [enname] => Develock Co., Ltd. [ceo] => 김서진 [managername] => 허선만 [managerphone] => 010-6713-0123 [manageremail] => caos0626@gmail.com [homepage] => https://develock.com [tel] => 042-525-5518 [fax] => [biznum] => 346-81-02048 [corpnum] => 160111-0559710 [bizstatus] => 서비스업 [biz_category] => 컴퓨터프로그래밍업 [established_date] => 2020-07-07 [employeenum] => 15 [zipcode] => 35241 [address] => 대전 서구 둔산중로 50 (둔산동, 파이낸스빌딩) [addressdetail] => 12층 1203비호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 4147 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 4130 [bankcode] => 088 [bankaccount] => 100034616231 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-29 12:22:19 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 4147 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/4 [thumburi] => image/4/thumbs/4c4209806297d05328145e3b2c56017c.png [uri] => image/4/4c4209806297d05328145e3b2c56017c.png [code] => 4c4209806297d05328145e3b2c56017c [realname] => 디벨록 로고.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 8302 [duration] => 0 [width] => 500 [height] => 500 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-14 08:55:36 ) [corpfilelogo] => Array ( [seq] => 4130 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/3 [thumburi] => image/3/thumbs/3453aacf40934ecdbc9e1bdb3a049c9d.png [uri] => image/3/3453aacf40934ecdbc9e1bdb3a049c9d.png [code] => 3453aacf40934ecdbc9e1bdb3a049c9d [realname] => 1660.900.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 891041 [duration] => 0 [width] => 1600 [height] => 900 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-13 11:38:20 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4131 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/9 [thumburi] => pdf/9/thumbs/961c59509e04ea04442e9e5b84b15d86.pdf [uri] => pdf/9/961c59509e04ea04442e9e5b84b15d86.pdf [code] => 961c59509e04ea04442e9e5b84b15d86 [realname] => 사업자등록증_(주)디벨록_220915.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 61337 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-13 11:38:20 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4131 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4132 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/b [thumburi] => pdf/b/thumbs/b009cb085b728d533b996cec7bc081cd.pdf [uri] => pdf/b/b009cb085b728d533b996cec7bc081cd.pdf [code] => b009cb085b728d533b996cec7bc081cd [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서(디벨록_말소사항포함).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 186772 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-13 11:38:20 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4132 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4141 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/4 [thumburi] => 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=> 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4712 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/9 [thumburi] => pdf/9/thumbs/920c5f9266e5378e5f3c1966ff3ec0a1.pdf [uri] => pdf/9/920c5f9266e5378e5f3c1966ff3ec0a1.pdf [code] => 920c5f9266e5378e5f3c1966ff3ec0a1 [realname] => 증권청약서_게재용_최종_디벨록보통주_1차_공모_230519.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 39752 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-05-19 13:29:05 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4712 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4713 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/b [thumburi] => pdf/b/thumbs/b6da48562358f950c25dc627d14683e5.pdf [uri] => pdf/b/b6da48562358f950c25dc627d14683e5.pdf [code] => b6da48562358f950c25dc627d14683e5 [realname] => 온라앤소액증권 모집정보 게재자료_디벨록 보통주 제1차_최종수정반영_230519.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 5555084 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-05-19 13:29:05 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4713 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5396 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/d [thumburi] => pdf/d/thumbs/d45be75bbe894003eb2380eb584c60bd.pdf [uri] => pdf/d/d45be75bbe894003eb2380eb584c60bd.pdf [code] => d45be75bbe894003eb2380eb584c60bd [realname] => 디벨록 등기부등본 (2)-복사.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 267274 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 17:24:22 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5396 [corpfiletype] => 12 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5397 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/d [thumburi] => pdf/d/thumbs/d313a4e586be9879f8a2647dc70d8f1b.pdf [uri] => pdf/d/d313a4e586be9879f8a2647dc70d8f1b.pdf [code] => d313a4e586be9879f8a2647dc70d8f1b [realname] => 결산자료_디벨록_23년.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 333585 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 17:24:22 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5397 [corpfiletype] => 13 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 150000000 [investcnt] => 29 [cancelamt] => 21000000 [cancelcnt] => 8 ) )
팬들과 크리에이터가 소통하는
차세대 콘텐츠 공유플랫폼
주식회사 호윤
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 145 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => 팬들과 크리에이터가 소통하는
차세대 콘텐츠 공유플랫폼 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2023-02-01 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2023-02-14 [target_money] => 160000000 [title_message] => 팬들과 크리에이터가 소통하는 차세대 콘텐츠 공유 플랫폼 [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/3/35900594fa334b5db7ab8793ba202216.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/3/thumbs/35900594fa334b5db7ab8793ba202216.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 황정구 [manager_email] => 8goodkr@gmail.com [manager_phone] => 010-2764-3489 [share_cnt] => 9 [homepage] => https://hoyun.co.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 228960000 [total_investrate] => 143.1 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2024-02-08 11:07:49 [reg_dt] => 2023-01-12 14:30:40 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 145 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 63 [publisher_seq] => 3048 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7451100002 [pmt_dt] => 2023-02-24 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2023-03-24 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 50 [target_quantity] => 8000 [stock_price] => 100 [stock_issue_price] => 20000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 28791004463604 [pbl_acno_nm] => 호윤 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 081 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => Y [entvalue] => 137800000000 [currentstock] => 5500000 [futurestock] => 8000 [aftersharerate] => 0.15 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 호윤 [project_cate_code] => [catename] => [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 3048 [code] => 23PT5XHS [people_seq] => 4541 [name] => 주식회사 호윤 [enname] => HOYUN Inc. [ceo] => 조지연 [managername] => 황정구 [managerphone] => 010-2764-3489 [manageremail] => 8goodkr@gmail.com [homepage] => https://hoyun.co.kr [tel] => 02-525-0154 [fax] => [biznum] => 261-81-24299 [corpnum] => 110111-5612464 [bizstatus] => 서비스 [biz_category] => 소프트웨어개발및공급업 [established_date] => 2015-01-12 [employeenum] => 13 [zipcode] => 06148 [address] => 서울 강남구 선릉로93길 40 (역삼동) [addressdetail] => 608호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 3795 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 3796 [bankcode] => 081 [bankaccount] => 28791004463604 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2023-01-12 14:27:11 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 3795 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/7 [thumburi] => image/7/thumbs/718baa202dfa0d6ef34faceb215a4e5f.png [uri] => image/7/718baa202dfa0d6ef34faceb215a4e5f.png [code] => 718baa202dfa0d6ef34faceb215a4e5f [realname] => 로고.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 10035 [duration] => 0 [width] => 500 [height] => 500 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-01-31 16:54:26 ) [corpfilelogo] => Array ( [seq] => 3796 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/b [thumburi] => image/b/thumbs/b340df0f809c1053fdd09f281c57c6cc.png [uri] => image/b/b340df0f809c1053fdd09f281c57c6cc.png [code] => b340df0f809c1053fdd09f281c57c6cc [realname] => 대표이미지_1.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 610598 [duration] => 0 [width] => 1600 [height] => 900 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-01-31 16:54:26 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3797 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/6 [thumburi] => pdf/6/thumbs/6b2be4fb1cc4142414e48f5bf23947dc.pdf [uri] => pdf/6/6b2be4fb1cc4142414e48f5bf23947dc.pdf [code] => 6b2be4fb1cc4142414e48f5bf23947dc [realname] => 사업자등록증_(주)호윤_220712.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 254845 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-01-31 16:54:26 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3797 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3798 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/c [thumburi] => pdf/c/thumbs/ccafab940b108dcf07644f6633182a9a.pdf [uri] => pdf/c/ccafab940b108dcf07644f6633182a9a.pdf [code] => ccafab940b108dcf07644f6633182a9a [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_말소_(주)호윤_230125.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 3716862 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-01-31 16:54:26 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3798 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3799 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/eb82a5be397667b91a926a51d40eb34a.pdf [uri] 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[corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3803 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/e1811fb791c9bb98739707073d0cf564.pdf [uri] => pdf/e/e1811fb791c9bb98739707073d0cf564.pdf [code] => e1811fb791c9bb98739707073d0cf564 [realname] => 9-2.주식회사호윤_벤처기업확인서 (1).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 657466 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-01-31 16:54:26 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3803 [corpfiletype] => 4 [corpimage] => [comment] => 기타파일 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5367 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/c [thumburi] => pdf/c/thumbs/c5282553332dea19662103a4098028f2.pdf [uri] => pdf/c/c5282553332dea19662103a4098028f2.pdf [code] => c5282553332dea19662103a4098028f2 [realname] => 호윤_등기부등본_20240325.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2671474 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-27 17:39:22 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5367 [corpfiletype] => 12 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5398 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/1 [thumburi] => pdf/1/thumbs/1bcab16f52936e9892593ab497bcc7fd.pdf [uri] => pdf/1/1bcab16f52936e9892593ab497bcc7fd.pdf [code] => 1bcab16f52936e9892593ab497bcc7fd [realname] => 호윤_2023년 재무제표증명원.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 264857 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-29 09:45:04 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5398 [corpfiletype] => 13 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 228960000 [investcnt] => 46 [cancelamt] => 46320000 [cancelcnt] => 15 ) )
최고의 상품들을 바탕으로 기업의 가치를 창출합니다
주식회사 컴퍼니포엠디
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 144 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => 최고의 상품들을 바탕으로 기업의 가치를 창출합니다 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2023-01-04 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2023-04-10 [target_money] => 50000000 [title_message] => [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/3/349c25cb3d0bf6531bdf7de1e1c3ac0c.jpg [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/3/thumbs/349c25cb3d0bf6531bdf7de1e1c3ac0c.jpg [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 황정구 [manager_email] => 8goodkr@gmail.com [manager_phone] => 010-2764-3489 [share_cnt] => 9 [homepage] => www.companyformd.com [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 50000000 [total_investrate] => 100 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2023-05-10 11:02:06 [reg_dt] => 2023-01-03 09:52:41 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 144 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[accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 컴퍼니포엠디 [project_cate_code] => 020 [catename] => 기타 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 3047 [code] => 23PWVOJUQ [people_seq] => 4579 [name] => 주식회사 컴퍼니포엠디 [enname] => COMPANY FOR MD CO.,LTD [ceo] => 구주연 [managername] => 황정구 [managerphone] => 010-2764-3489 [manageremail] => 8goodkr@gmail.com [homepage] => www.companyformd.com [tel] => 070-4007-5141 [fax] => [biznum] => 439-88-01578 [corpnum] => 110111-7483087 [bizstatus] => 도소매 [biz_category] => 화장품,의류,공산품,의약외품,의료기기 [established_date] => 2020-05-12 [employeenum] => 12 [zipcode] => 05501 [address] => 서울 송파구 올림픽로 111 (잠실동, 잠실엘스) [addressdetail] => 4층 402호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 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=> [reg_dt] => 2023-01-03 09:44:58 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3557 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/5 [thumburi] => pdf/5/thumbs/5804011a0f4679d975ad250ca3f20fd4.pdf [uri] => pdf/5/5804011a0f4679d975ad250ca3f20fd4.pdf [code] => 5804011a0f4679d975ad250ca3f20fd4 [realname] => 사업자등록증_(주)컴퍼니포엠디_221207.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 170393 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-01-03 09:44:58 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3557 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3558 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/b [thumburi] => pdf/b/thumbs/bc57efb9b9a5ba56516875ef379e2739.pdf [uri] => pdf/b/bc57efb9b9a5ba56516875ef379e2739.pdf [code] => bc57efb9b9a5ba56516875ef379e2739 [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_말소_(주)컴퍼니포엠디_221207.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2085920 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => 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=> pdf [filesize] => 6519203 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-01-03 09:44:58 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3560 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4714 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/6 [thumburi] => pdf/6/thumbs/6af45fb4a71fcfb26e69e950526f638b.pdf [uri] => pdf/6/6af45fb4a71fcfb26e69e950526f638b.pdf [code] => 6af45fb4a71fcfb26e69e950526f638b [realname] => 증권청약서_최종_일정변경_게재용_컴퍼니포엠디보통주_제1차_공모_230519.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 41287 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-05-19 13:30:04 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4714 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4715 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/8 [thumburi] => pdf/8/thumbs/8fec690dca79acc8b7385587da681d54.pdf [uri] => 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[2차펀딩] 다이나믹 브랜드
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 141 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => [2차펀딩] 다이나믹 브랜드 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2022-12-22 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2023-02-20 [target_money] => 250800000 [title_message] => [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/4/4480e42778ff7be6d0eb4e4bbdd9eb0b.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/4/thumbs/4480e42778ff7be6d0eb4e4bbdd9eb0b.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 김학선 [manager_email] => havendust123@gmail.com [manager_phone] => 010-4404-4210 [share_cnt] => 11 [homepage] => www.mjboutique.co.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 250800000 [total_investrate] => 100 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2023-02-21 08:53:00 [reg_dt] => 2022-12-09 14:29:49 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 141 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 61 [publisher_seq] => 2826 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7363970005 [pmt_dt] => 2023-03-03 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2023-03-22 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 25 [target_quantity] => 6600 [stock_price] => 500 [stock_issue_price] => 38000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 06110401701012 [pbl_acno_nm] => 엠제이부티끄주식회사 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 003 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => Y [entvalue] => 297500000000 [currentstock] => 7002000 [futurestock] => 6600 [aftersharerate] => 0.09 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 엠제이부티끄주식회사 [project_cate_code] => 014 [catename] => 뷰티·헬스 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 2826 [code] => 22PPOS7WS [people_seq] => 4133 [name] => 엠제이부티끄주식회사 [enname] => MJ Boutique Co. Ltd [ceo] => 민준홍 [managername] => 김학선 [managerphone] => 010-4404-4210 [manageremail] => havendust123@gmail.com [homepage] => www.mjboutique.co.kr [tel] => 02-420-4210 [fax] => [biznum] => 408-86-15166 [corpnum] => 110111-6172772 [bizstatus] => 도소매업 [biz_category] => 화장품,화장용품,전자상거래소매및상품종합도매업 [established_date] => 2016-09-08 [employeenum] => 15 [zipcode] => 05610 [address] => 서울 송파구 석촌호수로 220 (석촌동) [addressdetail] => 6층 601호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 3516 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 3517 [bankcode] => 003 [bankaccount] => 06110401701012 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2022-12-09 14:27:24 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 3516 [mType] => image [path] => 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[corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3790 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/1 [thumburi] => pdf/1/thumbs/1a199c473f7a7a0a05791bb1939f25ad.pdf [uri] => pdf/1/1a199c473f7a7a0a05791bb1939f25ad.pdf [code] => 1a199c473f7a7a0a05791bb1939f25ad [realname] => 증권청약서_엠제이부티끄보통주_제2차_기간연장_공모_게재용_230117.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 45081 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-01-20 10:28:00 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3790 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3791 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/f [thumburi] => pdf/f/thumbs/f95f12f2870ae741a2d07b78898cf611.pdf [uri] => pdf/f/f95f12f2870ae741a2d07b78898cf611.pdf [code] => f95f12f2870ae741a2d07b78898cf611 [realname] => 온라앤소액증권 모집정보 게재자료_엠제이부티끄_보통주_제2차_기간연장_230119.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 17821870 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-01-20 10:28:00 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3791 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5359 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/8 [thumburi] => pdf/8/thumbs/8b251e6b20e865c2bc94d22499b64039.pdf [uri] => pdf/8/8b251e6b20e865c2bc94d22499b64039.pdf [code] => 8b251e6b20e865c2bc94d22499b64039 [realname] => ggh.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 769363 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-26 16:12:52 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5359 [corpfiletype] => 10 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5360 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/3 [thumburi] => pdf/3/thumbs/3be2083470f64d1f4d0271b809cdefeb.pdf [uri] => pdf/3/3be2083470f64d1f4d0271b809cdefeb.pdf [code] => 3be2083470f64d1f4d0271b809cdefeb [realname] => 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pdf/6/thumbs/68df815d9ed2e17fd7853e31d1f10aa6.pdf [uri] => pdf/6/68df815d9ed2e17fd7853e31d1f10aa6.pdf [code] => 68df815d9ed2e17fd7853e31d1f10aa6 [realname] => 엠제이부티끄_결산자료_날인본.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 423657 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 15:25:58 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5391 [corpfiletype] => 13 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 250800000 [investcnt] => 42 [cancelamt] => 225150000 [cancelcnt] => 52 ) )
[2차펀딩] 메타버스를 통해 새로운
NFT시장을 만들어 갑니다.
주식회사 팀스토리
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 140 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => [2차펀딩] 메타버스를 통해 새로운
NFT시장을 만들어 갑니다. [sname] => [start_dt] => 2022-12-12 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2023-02-17 [target_money] => 240000000 [title_message] => [2차펀딩] 메타버스를 통해 새로운 NFT시장을 만들어 갑니다. [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/0/07041c84f9c266832f383a0feb5c00f6.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/0/thumbs/07041c84f9c266832f383a0feb5c00f6.png [title_movie] => gVzf9WfHd34 [manager_name] => 임은경 [manager_email] => lek!!!!@teamstory.kr [manager_phone] => 010-2634-3747 [share_cnt] => 11 [homepage] => www.teamstory.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 240000000 [total_investrate] => 100 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2023-03-02 09:02:31 [reg_dt] => 2022-12-08 18:00:05 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 140 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 60 [publisher_seq] => 2825 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7421710005 [pmt_dt] => 2023-03-02 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2023-03-21 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 20 [target_quantity] => 8000 [stock_price] => 500 [stock_issue_price] => 30000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 55991003985004 [pbl_acno_nm] => 팀스토리 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 081 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 68400000000 [currentstock] => 2002000 [futurestock] => 8000 [aftersharerate] => 0.40 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 팀스토리 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 2825 [code] => 22PQ0BBK3 [people_seq] => 4358 [name] => 주식회사 팀스토리 [enname] => TEAM STORY CO.,LTD [ceo] => 오선규 [managername] => 임은경 [managerphone] => 010-2634-3747 [manageremail] => lekiiii@teamstory.kr [homepage] => www.teamstory.kr [tel] => 1522-7569 [fax] => [biznum] => 715-86-02079 [corpnum] => 110111-7908671 [bizstatus] => 소프트웨어 개발업 [biz_category] => 응용 소프트웨어 개발 및 공급업 [established_date] => 2021-06-01 [employeenum] => 11 [zipcode] => 06096 [address] => 서울 강남구 봉은사로 457 (삼성동, S&C TOWER 삼성) [addressdetail] => 8,9층 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 3418 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 3428 [bankcode] => 081 [bankaccount] => 55991003985004 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2022-12-08 17:49:54 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 3418 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/9 [thumburi] => image/9/thumbs/94756f3d8d48f538a29175f29e496c9c.png [uri] => image/9/94756f3d8d48f538a29175f29e496c9c.png [code] => 94756f3d8d48f538a29175f29e496c9c [realname] => 팀스토리_세로형..png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 9333 [duration] => 0 [width] => 500 [height] => 349 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-12-08 17:49:54 ) [corpfilelogo] => Array ( [seq] => 3428 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/2 [thumburi] => image/2/thumbs/2e8cf30441363dfe33c92dfc343a8c4c.png [uri] => image/2/2e8cf30441363dfe33c92dfc343a8c4c.png [code] => 2e8cf30441363dfe33c92dfc343a8c4c [realname] => 대표이미지(팀스토리2차_당사).png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 1652770 [duration] => 0 [width] => 1600 [height] => 900 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-12-09 09:37:17 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3420 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/8 [thumburi] => 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2023-01-19 17:01:08 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3788 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 240000000 [investcnt] => 44 [cancelamt] => 252930000 [cancelcnt] => 53 ) )
이동통신 소재부품에서 시스템까지
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 138 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => 이동통신 소재부품에서 시스템까지 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2022-11-22 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2022-12-23 [target_money] => 300000000 [title_message] => [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/d/d4eb810c50c127377d7c21222fd257e0.jpg [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/d/thumbs/d4eb810c50c127377d7c21222fd257e0.jpg [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 박종식 [manager_email] => parkjs@rfdevices.co.kr [manager_phone] => 031-501-0136 [share_cnt] => 13 [homepage] => www.rfdevices.co.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 244000000 [total_investrate] => 81.333333333333 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2022-12-24 11:37:38 [reg_dt] => 2022-11-02 14:38:25 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 138 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 58 [publisher_seq] => 1809 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7449120005 [pmt_dt] => 2023-01-04 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2023-01-25 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 100 [target_quantity] => 30000 [stock_price] => 500 [stock_issue_price] => 10000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 24106899401017 [pbl_acno_nm] => 알에프디바이스 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 003 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => Y [entvalue] => 13100000000 [currentstock] => 1000000 [futurestock] => 30000 [aftersharerate] => 2.90 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 알에프디바이스(주) [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 1809 [code] => 22POSXJPV [people_seq] => 3515 [name] => 알에프디바이스(주) [enname] => RF Devices, lnc. [ceo] => 조광성 [managername] => 박종식 [managerphone] => 010-9852-1991 [manageremail] => parkjs@rfdevices.co.kr [homepage] => www.rfdevices.co.kr [tel] => 031-501-0136 [fax] => [biznum] => 123-86-18466 [corpnum] => 135111-0094618 [bizstatus] => 제조업 [biz_category] => 유선통신장치,무선통신방송및응용장치 [established_date] => 2009-08-01 [employeenum] => 1 [zipcode] => 17405 [address] => 경기 이천시 부발읍 황무로1965번길 281-26 (송온리, 세현씨엠티) [addressdetail] => 알에프디바이스 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 3067 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 3068 [bankcode] => 003 [bankaccount] => 24106899401017 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-02 14:35:13 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 3067 [mType] => image [path] => 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[code] => b1dfc1b82f5eb576bbfe07db306ad150 [realname] => 사업자등록증(신주소)_알에프디바이스(주)_211207 (1).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 98270 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-21 10:33:16 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3069 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3070 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/3 [thumburi] => pdf/3/thumbs/3aa2fc63b16c6f1f07da33dc974b594c.pdf [uri] => pdf/3/3aa2fc63b16c6f1f07da33dc974b594c.pdf [code] => 3aa2fc63b16c6f1f07da33dc974b594c [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_말소_알에프디바이스(주)_221027.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2476968 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-21 10:33:16 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3070 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3075 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/e6a44965ec94a62e5e74fe46cf492135.pdf [uri] => pdf/e/e6a44965ec94a62e5e74fe46cf492135.pdf [code] => e6a44965ec94a62e5e74fe46cf492135 [realname] => 표준재무제표_2021.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 402861 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-21 15:05:17 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3075 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3071 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/d [thumburi] => pdf/d/thumbs/d41ff0c176536be51bc047a6924178a2.pdf [uri] => pdf/d/d41ff0c176536be51bc047a6924178a2.pdf [code] => d41ff0c176536be51bc047a6924178a2 [realname] => 개정정관_알에프디바이스(주)_20221109.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2783869 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-21 10:33:16 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3071 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3373 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/a [thumburi] => pdf/a/thumbs/a78a429d78f79035549379013d84d171.pdf [uri] => pdf/a/a78a429d78f79035549379013d84d171.pdf [code] => a78a429d78f79035549379013d84d171 [realname] => 증권청약서_정정_알에프디바이스보통주_1차_공모_221202.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 33797 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-12-02 13:30:07 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3373 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3374 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/4 [thumburi] => pdf/4/thumbs/455001fd9a98074c64c6042b51bc8179.pdf [uri] => pdf/4/455001fd9a98074c64c6042b51bc8179.pdf [code] => 455001fd9a98074c64c6042b51bc8179 [realname] => 온라앤소액증권 모집정보 게재자료_정정_알에프디바이스보통주_제1차_221202.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 6930772 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-12-02 13:30:07 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3374 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5363 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/d [thumburi] => pdf/d/thumbs/d27bc8cd92e8742b0b091c1eaaf48e5c.pdf [uri] => pdf/d/d27bc8cd92e8742b0b091c1eaaf48e5c.pdf [code] => d27bc8cd92e8742b0b091c1eaaf48e5c [realname] => 등기부등본(24.03.8)_알에프디바이스.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1274011 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-27 14:18:37 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5363 [corpfiletype] => 12 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5364 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/3 [thumburi] => pdf/3/thumbs/302f2300d7b19263fb3760eae0a9a8e0.pdf [uri] => pdf/3/302f2300d7b19263fb3760eae0a9a8e0.pdf [code] => 302f2300d7b19263fb3760eae0a9a8e0 [realname] => 결산자료_알에프디바이스_23년.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 5585379 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-27 14:18:37 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5364 [corpfiletype] => 13 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 244000000 [investcnt] => 57 [cancelamt] => 932000000 [cancelcnt] => 24 ) )
메타버스*NFT 비대면 격차를 해결하는
새로운 정보의 연결을 만들어갑니다.
주식회사 팀스토리
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 135 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => 메타버스*NFT 비대면 격차를 해결하는
새로운 정보의 연결을 만들어갑니다. [sname] => [start_dt] => 2022-11-21 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2022-12-02 [target_money] => 60000000 [title_message] => (주)팀스토리는 국내.외 유명 기관과 기업에서 찾는 혁신적이고 미래지향적인
메타버스 플랫폼 서비스를 제공하는 메타버스 플랫폼 선두 주자입니다 [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/1/154fe8822248d1c250de863044fee0ef.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/1/thumbs/154fe8822248d1c250de863044fee0ef.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 임은경 [manager_email] => lek!!!!@teamstory.kr [manager_phone] => 010-2634-3747 [share_cnt] => 13 [homepage] => www.teamstory.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 84720000 [total_investrate] => 141.2 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2022-12-19 09:54:14 [reg_dt] => 2022-10-20 16:32:28 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 135 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 56 [publisher_seq] => 1807 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7421710005 [pmt_dt] => 2022-12-19 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2022-12-30 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 20 [target_quantity] => 2000 [stock_price] => 500 [stock_issue_price] => 30000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 55991003985004 [pbl_acno_nm] => 팀스토리 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 081 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 68400000000 [currentstock] => 2000000 [futurestock] => 2000 [aftersharerate] => 0.10 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 팀스토리 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 1807 [code] => 22PG1LXZ [people_seq] => 4358 [name] => 주식회사 팀스토리 [enname] => TEAM STORY CO., LTD [ceo] => 오선규 [managername] => 임은경 [managerphone] => 010-2634-3747 [manageremail] => lekiiii@teamstory.kr [homepage] => www.teamstory.kr [tel] => 1522-7569 [fax] => [biznum] => 715-86-02079 [corpnum] => 110111-7908671 [bizstatus] => 소프트웨어 개발업 [biz_category] => 응용 소프트웨어 개발 및 공급업 [established_date] => 2021-06-01 [employeenum] => 11 [zipcode] => 06096 [address] => 서울 강남구 봉은사로 457 (삼성동, S&C TOWER 삼성) [addressdetail] => 8,9층 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 3054 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 3055 [bankcode] => 081 [bankaccount] => 55991003985004 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2022-10-20 16:27:43 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 3054 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/5 [thumburi] => image/5/thumbs/56f10c3e42bcc847ead48f923ad4fa5e.png [uri] => image/5/56f10c3e42bcc847ead48f923ad4fa5e.png [code] => 56f10c3e42bcc847ead48f923ad4fa5e [realname] => 팀스토리_세로형..png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 9333 [duration] => 0 [width] => 500 [height] => 349 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-18 20:00:54 ) [corpfilelogo] => Array ( [seq] => 3055 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/6 [thumburi] => image/6/thumbs/6770c791bffcc4477bb90b41491fa7a6.png [uri] => image/6/6770c791bffcc4477bb90b41491fa7a6.png [code] => 6770c791bffcc4477bb90b41491fa7a6 [realname] => 대표이미지1..png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 592984 [duration] => 0 [width] => 792 [height] => 466 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-18 20:00:54 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3056 [mType] => image [path] => 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[corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3064 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/eb66f7d77614045a3b34b3e8cc934e02.pdf [uri] => pdf/e/eb66f7d77614045a3b34b3e8cc934e02.pdf [code] => eb66f7d77614045a3b34b3e8cc934e02 [realname] => 감사보고서_(주)팀스토리_최종본.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 283816 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-21 09:19:58 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3064 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3065 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/c [thumburi] => pdf/c/thumbs/c62dd0639b8c5cecf07a1af41c9e491c.pdf [uri] => pdf/c/c62dd0639b8c5cecf07a1af41c9e491c.pdf [code] => c62dd0639b8c5cecf07a1af41c9e491c [realname] => 정관_(주)팀스토리_220922.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1344656 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-21 09:19:58 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3065 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3078 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/7 [thumburi] => pdf/7/thumbs/74582c68d63831f04ce37dbc6ad98142.pdf [uri] => pdf/7/74582c68d63831f04ce37dbc6ad98142.pdf [code] => 74582c68d63831f04ce37dbc6ad98142 [realname] => 증권청약서_팀스토리보통주_1차_공모_221114.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 33651 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-22 10:56:48 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3078 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3074 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/a [thumburi] => pdf/a/thumbs/a3d04d0e0f73829009b38452bfb2df21.pdf [uri] => pdf/a/a3d04d0e0f73829009b38452bfb2df21.pdf [code] => a3d04d0e0f73829009b38452bfb2df21 [realname] => 온라앤소액증권 모집정보 게재자료_팀스토리보통주_제1차_221118(최종).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 5976620 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-21 14:12:15 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3074 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4369 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/8 [thumburi] => pdf/8/thumbs/82f181b366b4e065d70aea94f2604b73.pdf [uri] => pdf/8/82f181b366b4e065d70aea94f2604b73.pdf [code] => 82f181b366b4e065d70aea94f2604b73 [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_(주)팀스토리_230307.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 496599 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-30 18:07:31 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4369 [corpfiletype] => 10 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4370 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/c [thumburi] => pdf/c/thumbs/c9ca15c3c8e608b093bdcf02084310fd.pdf [uri] => pdf/c/c9ca15c3c8e608b093bdcf02084310fd.pdf [code] => c9ca15c3c8e608b093bdcf02084310fd [realname] => 2022년 결산 재무제표증명원_(주)팀스토리.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 277420 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-30 18:07:31 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4370 [corpfiletype] => 11 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [corpfile3] => Array ( ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 84720000 [investcnt] => 14 [cancelamt] => 78600000 [cancelcnt] => 9 ) )
다이내믹 마케팅 브랜드 기업
엠제이부티끄 주식회사
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 136 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => 다이내믹 마케팅 브랜드 기업 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2022-11-07 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2022-11-25 [target_money] => 50000000 [title_message] => [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/d/d56549676770c0ab0c809387b658612c.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/d/thumbs/d56549676770c0ab0c809387b658612c.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 김학선 [manager_email] => havendust123@gmail.com [manager_phone] => 010 4404 4210 [share_cnt] => 13 [homepage] => www.mjboutique.co.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 156750000 [total_investrate] => 313.5 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2022-11-26 11:28:29 [reg_dt] => 2022-10-20 16:38:08 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 136 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 57 [publisher_seq] => 1808 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7363970005 [pmt_dt] => 2022-12-12 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2022-12-29 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 40 [target_quantity] => 2000 [stock_price] => 500 [stock_issue_price] => 25000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 06110401701012 [pbl_acno_nm] => 엠제이부티끄주식회사 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 003 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => Y [entvalue] => 216900000000 [currentstock] => 7000000 [futurestock] => 2000 [aftersharerate] => 0.03 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 엠제이부티끄 주식회사 [project_cate_code] => 014 [catename] => 뷰티·헬스 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 1808 [code] => 22PCLQR0G [people_seq] => 4133 [name] => 엠제이부티끄 주식회사 [enname] => MJ Boutique Co. Ltd. [ceo] => 민준홍 [managername] => 김학선 [managerphone] => 010-4404-4210 [manageremail] => havendust123@gmail.com [homepage] => www.mjboutique.co.kr [tel] => 02-420-4210 [fax] => [biznum] => 408-86-15166 [corpnum] => 110111-6172772 [bizstatus] => 도매및 소매업 [biz_category] => 화장품,화장용품,전자상거래소매및상품종합도매업 [established_date] => 2016-09-08 [employeenum] => 15 [zipcode] => 05610 [address] => 서울 송파구 석촌호수로 220 (석촌동) [addressdetail] => 6층 601호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 2910 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 2911 [bankcode] => 003 [bankaccount] => 06110401701012 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2022-10-20 16:35:20 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 2910 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/6 [thumburi] => image/6/thumbs/6575eb6498d7f48de044ebaa60735d45.png [uri] => image/6/6575eb6498d7f48de044ebaa60735d45.png [code] => 6575eb6498d7f48de044ebaa60735d45 [realname] => 로고(엠제이부티끄).png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 81147 [duration] => 0 [width] => 327 [height] => 315 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-03 15:30:36 ) [corpfilelogo] => Array ( [seq] => 2911 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/d [thumburi] => image/d/thumbs/d272222bf393c4e90388eccff49bd2b4.png [uri] => image/d/d272222bf393c4e90388eccff49bd2b4.png [code] => d272222bf393c4e90388eccff49bd2b4 [realname] => 사본 -대표이미지(엠제이).png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 1147548 [duration] => 0 [width] => 1600 [height] => 900 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-03 15:30:36 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2912 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/e88cae79d8020086369d2f7a55f4c930.pdf [uri] => pdf/e/e88cae79d8020086369d2f7a55f4c930.pdf [code] => e88cae79d8020086369d2f7a55f4c930 [realname] => 사업자등록증_엠제이부티끄(주)_220602.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 230704 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-03 15:30:36 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2912 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2913 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/ec85d584b6f4f88917db916048ce21a0.pdf [uri] => pdf/e/ec85d584b6f4f88917db916048ce21a0.pdf [code] => ec85d584b6f4f88917db916048ce21a0 [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_말소_엠제이부티끄(주)_221020.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 661715 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-03 15:30:36 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2913 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2917 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/4 [thumburi] => pdf/4/thumbs/4003418f5cf016aeb2f73dc86951efca.pdf [uri] => pdf/4/4003418f5cf016aeb2f73dc86951efca.pdf [code] => 4003418f5cf016aeb2f73dc86951efca [realname] => FY2021_6기_감사보고서_엠제이부티끄(주)_우일회계법인.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 379868 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-03 15:35:29 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2917 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2914 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/6 [thumburi] => pdf/6/thumbs/61bb2606b40193008e921b73f2cd6ec9.pdf [uri] => pdf/6/61bb2606b40193008e921b73f2cd6ec9.pdf [code] => 61bb2606b40193008e921b73f2cd6ec9 [realname] => 정관_엠제이부티끄(주)_200901.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 645723 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-03 15:30:36 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2914 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3033 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/d [thumburi] => pdf/d/thumbs/da3302179825d8bdfac6d4e936bff30e.pdf [uri] => pdf/d/da3302179825d8bdfac6d4e936bff30e.pdf [code] => da3302179825d8bdfac6d4e936bff30e [realname] => 증권청약서_엠제이부티끄 보통주_1차_공모_1차연장_221116.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 53004 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-16 20:14:53 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3033 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 3034 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/6 [thumburi] => pdf/6/thumbs/69331c0981d4b4729222fbe162ca9e3d.pdf [uri] => pdf/6/69331c0981d4b4729222fbe162ca9e3d.pdf [code] => 69331c0981d4b4729222fbe162ca9e3d [realname] => 온라앤소액증권 모집정보 게재자료_엠제이부티끄_보통주_제1차_221116.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 18552654 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-11-16 20:14:53 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 3034 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4371 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/1 [thumburi] => pdf/1/thumbs/185a2715832d6d64ce68d66b8528e159.pdf [uri] => pdf/1/185a2715832d6d64ce68d66b8528e159.pdf [code] => 185a2715832d6d64ce68d66b8528e159 [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_엠제이부티끄(주)_230310.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 769363 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-30 18:07:56 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4371 [corpfiletype] => 10 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4372 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/a [thumburi] => pdf/a/thumbs/a2b78319ea1afacec12298fa9e091f4a.pdf [uri] => pdf/a/a2b78319ea1afacec12298fa9e091f4a.pdf [code] => a2b78319ea1afacec12298fa9e091f4a [realname] => 2022년 가결산 재무제표_엠제이부티끄(주).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1158414 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-30 18:07:56 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4372 [corpfiletype] => 11 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [corpfile3] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5357 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/3 [thumburi] => pdf/3/thumbs/399d6193fdca12f00c46de827ec6f1a7.pdf [uri] => pdf/3/399d6193fdca12f00c46de827ec6f1a7.pdf [code] => 399d6193fdca12f00c46de827ec6f1a7 [realname] => 엠제이부티끄 등기부등본_24.03.12.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 943535 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-26 16:09:28 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5357 [corpfiletype] => 12 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5390 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/0 [thumburi] => pdf/0/thumbs/05a0224baa7736fce20d6f5b6560c504.pdf [uri] => pdf/0/05a0224baa7736fce20d6f5b6560c504.pdf [code] => 05a0224baa7736fce20d6f5b6560c504 [realname] => 엠제이부티끄_결산자료_날인본.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 423657 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 15:25:41 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5390 [corpfiletype] => 13 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 156750000 [investcnt] => 33 [cancelamt] => 128500000 [cancelcnt] => 30 ) )
선생님을 돕고,아이들을 생각하고,
엄마들을 이해하는 선트리즈
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 134 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => 선생님을 돕고,아이들을 생각하고,
엄마들을 이해하는 선트리즈 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2022-10-28 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2022-11-10 [target_money] => 50000000 [title_message] => 선생님을 돕고, 아이들을 생각하고, 엄마들을 이해하는 선트리즈 [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/0/022aa31739a3c348a722420aa47c5dc3.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/0/thumbs/022aa31739a3c348a722420aa47c5dc3.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 천은영 [manager_email] => suntriz8@gmail.com [manager_phone] => 010-5186-3327 [share_cnt] => 13 [homepage] => www.suntriz.co.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 110000000 [total_investrate] => 220 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2024-03-12 12:16:15 [reg_dt] => 2022-10-20 13:59:26 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 134 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 55 [publisher_seq] => 1806 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7446960007 [pmt_dt] => 2022-11-22 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2022-12-09 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 25 [target_quantity] => 2500 [stock_price] => 500 [stock_issue_price] => 20000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 1005904247470 [pbl_acno_nm] => 선트리즈(주) [pbl_bnk_cd] => 020 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 4650000000 [currentstock] => 230000 [futurestock] => 2500 [aftersharerate] => 1.08 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 선트리즈주식회사 [project_cate_code] => 020 [catename] => 기타 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 1806 [code] => 22PDAVNRM [people_seq] => 3988 [name] => 선트리즈주식회사 [enname] => SUNTRIZ Co., Ltd [ceo] => 천은영 [managername] => 천은영 [managerphone] => 01051863327 [manageremail] => suntriz8@gmail.com [homepage] => www.suntriz.co.kr [tel] => 010-5186-3327 [fax] => [biznum] => 351-88-02199 [corpnum] => 280211-0234547 [bizstatus] => 도매및소매업 [biz_category] => 전자상거래 소매중개업 [established_date] => 2021-10-27 [employeenum] => 2 [zipcode] => 11813 [address] => 경기 의정부시 민락로 195 (민락동) [addressdetail] => E동 1002호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 2822 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 2823 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=> Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2824 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/b [thumburi] => image/b/thumbs/b61f49a771d60753071935b4a4f82107.jpg [uri] => image/b/b61f49a771d60753071935b4a4f82107.jpg [code] => b61f49a771d60753071935b4a4f82107 [realname] => 사업자등록증(선트리즈).jpg [filetype] => jpg [filesize] => 434676 [duration] => 0 [width] => 885 [height] => 1280 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-10-24 10:25:16 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2824 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2825 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/4 [thumburi] => pdf/4/thumbs/46eeee7d25b0d7c28b225c1f193c6c48.pdf [uri] => pdf/4/46eeee7d25b0d7c28b225c1f193c6c48.pdf [code] => 46eeee7d25b0d7c28b225c1f193c6c48 [realname] => 등기부등본_선트리즈(주)_221006.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1610735 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-10-24 10:25:16 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2825 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2829 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/7 [thumburi] => pdf/7/thumbs/7bc9aa345964fe7855a4e0febc3e3b76.pdf [uri] => pdf/7/7bc9aa345964fe7855a4e0febc3e3b76.pdf [code] => 7bc9aa345964fe7855a4e0febc3e3b76 [realname] => 2022년_가결산_재무제표_선트리즈(주)_220630.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2198742 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-10-24 10:50:25 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2829 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2826 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/b [thumburi] => pdf/b/thumbs/bcf7ff2e0caf30c00a1ad9f630acd373.pdf [uri] => pdf/b/bcf7ff2e0caf30c00a1ad9f630acd373.pdf [code] => bcf7ff2e0caf30c00a1ad9f630acd373 [realname] => 정관_선트리즈(주)_220920.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 8594526 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-10-24 10:25:16 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2826 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2827 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/8 [thumburi] => pdf/8/thumbs/8cfe5eed33f748b261bffa27a03e3067.pdf [uri] => pdf/8/8cfe5eed33f748b261bffa27a03e3067.pdf [code] => 8cfe5eed33f748b261bffa27a03e3067 [realname] => 증권청약서_선트리즈 보통주_1차_공모_221020.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 33736 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-10-24 10:25:16 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2827 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2839 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/5 [thumburi] => pdf/5/thumbs/504f0d63c1abb8874ac804e8c02368ea.pdf [uri] => pdf/5/504f0d63c1abb8874ac804e8c02368ea.pdf [code] => 504f0d63c1abb8874ac804e8c02368ea [realname] => 온라앤소액증권 모집정보 게재자료_선트리즈_보통주_제1차_221027.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 3528503 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-10-24 15:03:15 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2839 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4375 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/0 [thumburi] => pdf/0/thumbs/0029960aaba38c306669a805d37262f2.pdf [uri] => pdf/0/0029960aaba38c306669a805d37262f2.pdf [code] => 0029960aaba38c306669a805d37262f2 [realname] => 법인등기부등본_선트리즈(주)_230313.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1898005 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-31 09:53:15 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4375 [corpfiletype] => 10 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 4376 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/d [thumburi] => pdf/d/thumbs/dbb214dba08cccbbd7880b0154bb0d49.pdf [uri] => pdf/d/dbb214dba08cccbbd7880b0154bb0d49.pdf [code] => dbb214dba08cccbbd7880b0154bb0d49 [realname] => 2022년도 결산 재무제표확인_선트리즈(주).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2925114 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2023-03-31 09:53:15 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 4376 [corpfiletype] => 11 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [corpfile3] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5400 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/0 [thumburi] => pdf/0/thumbs/059d6372107d76bd2b1a2660e6fd4c93.pdf [uri] => pdf/0/059d6372107d76bd2b1a2660e6fd4c93.pdf [code] => 059d6372107d76bd2b1a2660e6fd4c93 [realname] => 법인등기부_24.2.21._선트리즈.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1404472 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-29 14:34:14 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5400 [corpfiletype] => 12 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5401 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/7 [thumburi] => pdf/7/thumbs/73d9099a875ef789edaf41ae164b03d7.pdf [uri] => pdf/7/73d9099a875ef789edaf41ae164b03d7.pdf [code] => 73d9099a875ef789edaf41ae164b03d7 [realname] => 결산자료_선트리즈_최종.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 449300 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-29 14:34:14 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5401 [corpfiletype] => 13 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 110000000 [investcnt] => 21 [cancelamt] => 42500000 [cancelcnt] => 7 ) )
[4차펀딩]모빌리티 플랫폼의 혁신
주식회사 미래오성모빌리티
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 133 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => [4차펀딩]모빌리티 플랫폼의 혁신 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2022-10-24 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2022-11-11 [target_money] => 54000000 [title_message] => [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/a/a772e9d3a37e13a58eca961e00d5fb37.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/a/thumbs/a772e9d3a37e13a58eca961e00d5fb37.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 김민석 [manager_email] => mail@osiv.kr [manager_phone] => 02-899-3877 [share_cnt] => 13 [homepage] => www.osiv.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 126099000 [total_investrate] => 233.51666666667 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2022-11-12 11:18:45 [reg_dt] => 2022-10-20 12:59:58 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 133 [maker_seq] => 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[stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 미래오성모빌리티 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 1805 [code] => 22PKE2QAP [people_seq] => 3306 [name] => 주식회사 미래오성모빌리티 [enname] => Miraeohsung Mobility Co.,Ltd [ceo] => 김범창 [managername] => 김민석 [managerphone] => 01053891236 [manageremail] => mail@osiv.kr [homepage] => www.osiv.kr [tel] => 02-899-3877 [fax] => [biznum] => 366-88-00363 [corpnum] => 110111-5957836 [bizstatus] => 정보서비스업 [biz_category] => 정보기술및 컴퓨터운영관련서비스업 [established_date] => 2016-02-01 [employeenum] => 10 [zipcode] => 08588 [address] => 서울 금천구 가산디지털2로 67 (가산동, 에이스 하이엔드타워7) [addressdetail] => 804-78호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 2804 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 2805 [bankcode] => 004 [bankaccount] => 00999015175717 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2022-10-20 12:17:18 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 2804 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/6 [thumburi] => image/6/thumbs/678b35c5e712f093c476b0fbe7723582.png [uri] => image/6/678b35c5e712f093c476b0fbe7723582.png [code] => 678b35c5e712f093c476b0fbe7723582 [realname] => 사본 -로고_미래오성모빌리티.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 19276 [duration] => 0 [width] => 513 [height] => 501 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-10-20 12:17:18 ) [corpfilelogo] => Array ( [seq] => 2805 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/6 [thumburi] => image/6/thumbs/6dc177994921dc37854967e804b14ba5.png [uri] => image/6/6dc177994921dc37854967e804b14ba5.png [code] => 6dc177994921dc37854967e804b14ba5 [realname] => 사본 -대표이미지.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 1174119 [duration] => 0 [width] => 1600 [height] => 900 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-10-20 12:17:18 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2806 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/0 [thumburi] => pdf/0/thumbs/0e974132c5cf9ca3ce5535a49db87439.pdf [uri] => pdf/0/0e974132c5cf9ca3ce5535a49db87439.pdf [code] => 0e974132c5cf9ca3ce5535a49db87439 [realname] => 미래오성모빌리티_사업자등록증_20220616.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 102483 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-10-20 12:17:18 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2806 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2807 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/1 [thumburi] => pdf/1/thumbs/12382ca52865fb5ddcb7396c6d06b6c7.pdf [uri] => pdf/1/12382ca52865fb5ddcb7396c6d06b6c7.pdf [code] => 12382ca52865fb5ddcb7396c6d06b6c7 [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_미래오성모빌리티(220919).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 5018367 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 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[filesize] => 3888976 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-10-20 12:17:18 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2808 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2866 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/7 [thumburi] => pdf/7/thumbs/7506f7d2d713a03963e627b9619bb0d7.pdf [uri] => pdf/7/7506f7d2d713a03963e627b9619bb0d7.pdf [code] => 7506f7d2d713a03963e627b9619bb0d7 [realname] => 증권청약서_미래오성모빌리티 보통주_4차_일정변경1회_공모_221025.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 32927 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-10-25 14:48:43 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2866 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2867 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/3 [thumburi] => pdf/3/thumbs/37fea25b2458091b3ff45ff0eb4a0056.pdf [uri] => pdf/3/37fea25b2458091b3ff45ff0eb4a0056.pdf [code] => 37fea25b2458091b3ff45ff0eb4a0056 [realname] => 온라앤소액증권 모집정보 게재자료_10.25.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2945444 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-10-25 14:48:43 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2867 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5386 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/b [thumburi] => pdf/b/thumbs/b254171413da157735fc2e9d4713164c.pdf [uri] => pdf/b/b254171413da157735fc2e9d4713164c.pdf [code] => b254171413da157735fc2e9d4713164c [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_(주)미래오성모빌리티_230320.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 119299 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 15:23:45 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5386 [corpfiletype] => 10 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5387 [mType] => pdf [path] => 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[corpfiletype] => 12 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5389 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/d [thumburi] => pdf/d/thumbs/dde96a357a25e8028941f90931cade2e.pdf [uri] => pdf/d/dde96a357a25e8028941f90931cade2e.pdf [code] => dde96a357a25e8028941f90931cade2e [realname] => 미래오성모빌리티_재무제표확인원-복사.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2519438 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 15:23:45 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5389 [corpfiletype] => 13 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 126099000 [investcnt] => 28 [cancelamt] => 55273500 [cancelcnt] => 11 ) )
전자파 없는 온수매트와 보일러로
캠핑문화를 선도하는 벤처기업
주식회사 초송
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 126 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => 전자파 없는 온수매트와 보일러로
캠핑문화를 선도하는 벤처기업 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2022-09-28 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2022-10-27 [target_money] => 80000000 [title_message] => 전자파 없는 온수매트와 보일러로 캠핑문화를 선도하는 벤처기업 [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/1/10b1d7aee75d235637b9c84d35830a22.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/1/thumbs/10b1d7aee75d235637b9c84d35830a22.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 조미현 [manager_email] => 11a25@naver.com [manager_phone] => 010-2515-5004 [share_cnt] => 13 [homepage] => www.chosong.co.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 5000000 [total_investrate] => 6.25 [dpoption] => 1 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2023-01-03 18:58:04 [reg_dt] => 2022-08-03 12:29:59 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 126 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 51 [publisher_seq] => 1802 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7441180007 [pmt_dt] => 2022-11-08 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2022-11-25 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 1250 [target_quantity] => 100000 [stock_price] => 100 [stock_issue_price] => 800 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 24312633704013 [pbl_acno_nm] => 주식회사 초송 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 003 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => Y [entvalue] => 1160000000 [currentstock] => 1333300 [futurestock] => 100000 [aftersharerate] => 6.98 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 초송 [project_cate_code] => 020 [catename] => 기타 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 1802 [code] => 22PQMN91K [people_seq] => 4113 [name] => 주식회사 초송 [enname] => CHO SONG Co.,Ltd. [ceo] => 신기언 [managername] => 조미현 [managerphone] => 010-2515-5004 [manageremail] => 11a25@naver.com [homepage] => www.chosong.co.kr [tel] => 053-600-8231 [fax] => [biznum] => 5278701086 [corpnum] => 1701110689466 [bizstatus] => 제조업 [biz_category] => 캠핑용온수보일러 [established_date] => 2018-07-20 [employeenum] => 5 [zipcode] => 42709 [address] => 대구 달서구 달서대로 559 (신당동, 이앤씨이노비즈타워) [addressdetail] => 809호 내 804호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 2726 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 2727 [bankcode] => 003 [bankaccount] => 24312633704013 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2022-08-03 12:28:08 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 2726 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/6 [thumburi] => image/6/thumbs/6cbc98ba44ba24522b8b436ced04f57f.png [uri] => image/6/6cbc98ba44ba24522b8b436ced04f57f.png [code] => 6cbc98ba44ba24522b8b436ced04f57f [realname] => 로고(초송).png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 60345 [duration] => 0 [width] => 500 [height] => 500 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-09-26 11:13:04 ) [corpfilelogo] => Array ( [seq] => 2727 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/c [thumburi] => image/c/thumbs/ca1e33e172547534dea2f26221533063.png [uri] => image/c/ca1e33e172547534dea2f26221533063.png [code] => ca1e33e172547534dea2f26221533063 [realname] => 대표이미지(초송1).png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 2136763 [duration] => 0 [width] => 1600 [height] => 900 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-09-26 11:13:04 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2730 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/8 [thumburi] => image/8/thumbs/8459254acfc5a3245da2112b426820fc.jpg [uri] => image/8/8459254acfc5a3245da2112b426820fc.jpg [code] => 8459254acfc5a3245da2112b426820fc [realname] => 사업자등록증_(주)초송.jpg [filetype] => jpg [filesize] => 5626130 [duration] => 0 [width] => 2481 [height] => 3507 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-09-26 11:49:47 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2730 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2731 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/d [thumburi] => pdf/d/thumbs/dc9720c627d5f7224d583d130459be91.pdf [uri] => pdf/d/dc9720c627d5f7224d583d130459be91.pdf [code] => dc9720c627d5f7224d583d130459be91 [realname] => 법인등기부등본_말소사항포함_(주)초송_220915.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 8564502 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-09-26 11:49:47 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2731 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2736 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/9 [thumburi] => pdf/9/thumbs/9f133c8c17135e69eeb9d2289d2e2fdd.pdf [uri] => pdf/9/9f133c8c17135e69eeb9d2289d2e2fdd.pdf [code] => 9f133c8c17135e69eeb9d2289d2e2fdd [realname] => 2022년 상반기 재무제표_(주)초송.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1313316 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-09-26 11:55:25 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2736 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2737 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/b [thumburi] => pdf/b/thumbs/ba7e98de170efb3216da9e7b1d83e900.pdf [uri] => pdf/b/ba7e98de170efb3216da9e7b1d83e900.pdf [code] => ba7e98de170efb3216da9e7b1d83e900 [realname] => 전면개정 정관_(주)초송_220812.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 4290980 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-09-26 14:12:42 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2737 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2760 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/a [thumburi] => image/a/thumbs/a879d3ba8ba7eb204d21b62056c059ee.png [uri] => image/a/a879d3ba8ba7eb204d21b62056c059ee.png [code] => a879d3ba8ba7eb204d21b62056c059ee [realname] => 증권청약서 (초송).png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 241309 [duration] => 0 [width] => 1200 [height] => 1697 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-10-13 12:20:31 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2760 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2759 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/ed322fae299ef398529927ba9d650e55.pdf [uri] => pdf/e/ed322fae299ef398529927ba9d650e55.pdf [code] => ed322fae299ef398529927ba9d650e55 [realname] => 온라앤소액증권 모집정보 게재자료_보통주_1차_초송_1차일정변경_221013-복사.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 6119783 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-10-13 12:15:50 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2759 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2735 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/5 [thumburi] => image/5/thumbs/52cd561c736336c562bb0a4782ed7b58.jpg [uri] => image/5/52cd561c736336c562bb0a4782ed7b58.jpg [code] => 52cd561c736336c562bb0a4782ed7b58 [realname] => 벤처기업확인서_(주)초송.jpg [filetype] => jpg [filesize] => 4039709 [duration] => 0 [width] => 2481 [height] => 3507 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-09-26 11:49:47 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2735 [corpfiletype] => 4 [corpimage] => [comment] => 기타파일 ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2740 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/8 [thumburi] => image/8/thumbs/87fd152bd68912c53ab0d65eb758c265.jpg [uri] => image/8/87fd152bd68912c53ab0d65eb758c265.jpg [code] => 87fd152bd68912c53ab0d65eb758c265 [realname] => 벤처기업확인서_(주)초송.jpg [filetype] => jpg [filesize] => 4039709 [duration] => 0 [width] => 2481 [height] => 3507 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-09-26 14:12:42 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2740 [corpfiletype] => 4 [corpimage] => [comment] => 기타파일 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 5000000 [investcnt] => 1 [cancelamt] => 1000000 [cancelcnt] => 1 ) )
증권형 [3차펀딩]
모빌리티 플랫폼의 혁신
주식회사 미래오성모빌리티
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 129 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => 증권형 [3차펀딩]
모빌리티 플랫폼의 혁신 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2022-09-07 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2022-10-17 [target_money] => 50000000 [title_message] => [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/0/09447bafe87f43475bd6dd03d8e6cddb.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/0/thumbs/09447bafe87f43475bd6dd03d8e6cddb.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 김민석 [manager_email] => mail@osiv.kr [manager_phone] => 02-899-3877 [share_cnt] => 13 [homepage] => www.osiv.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 101400000 [total_investrate] => 202.8 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2022-10-18 09:40:51 [reg_dt] => 2022-09-06 11:01:51 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 129 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 53 [publisher_seq] => 1804 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7311120000 [pmt_dt] => 2022-10-27 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2022-11-15 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 250 [target_quantity] => 12500 [stock_price] => 100 [stock_issue_price] => 4000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 00999015175717 [pbl_acno_nm] => 미래오성모빌리티 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 004 [pbl_scts_knd] => [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 113040000000 [currentstock] => 20030000 [futurestock] => 12500 [aftersharerate] => 0.06 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 미래오성모빌리티 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 1804 [code] => 22P3TAEJ [people_seq] => 3306 [name] => 주식회사 미래오성모빌리티 [enname] => Miraeohsung Mobility Co,Ltd. [ceo] => 김범창 [managername] => 김민석 [managerphone] => 01053891236 [manageremail] => mail@osiv.kr [homepage] => www.osiv.kr [tel] => 02-899-3877 [fax] => [biznum] => 366-88-00363 [corpnum] => 110111-5957836 [bizstatus] => 정보서비스업 [biz_category] => 정보기술및 컴퓨터운영관련서비스업 [established_date] => 2016-02-01 [employeenum] => 10 [zipcode] => 08588 [address] => 서울 금천구 가산디지털2로 67 (가산동, 에이스 하이엔드타워7) [addressdetail] => 804-78호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 2645 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 2646 [bankcode] => 004 [bankaccount] => 00999015175717 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2022-09-06 10:57:31 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 2645 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/5 [thumburi] => image/5/thumbs/561cb2b122aa89fe33783a4c2b2047f0.png [uri] => image/5/561cb2b122aa89fe33783a4c2b2047f0.png [code] => 561cb2b122aa89fe33783a4c2b2047f0 [realname] => 로고_미래오성모빌리티.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 19276 [duration] => 0 [width] => 513 [height] => 501 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-09-06 10:57:31 ) [corpfilelogo] => Array ( [seq] => 2646 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/f [thumburi] => image/f/thumbs/fd080360a2c62ab7b4531ca8614e65bc.png [uri] => image/f/fd080360a2c62ab7b4531ca8614e65bc.png [code] => fd080360a2c62ab7b4531ca8614e65bc [realname] => 사본 -대표이미지 (2).png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 1136774 [duration] => 0 [width] => 1600 [height] => 900 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-09-06 10:57:31 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2647 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/0 [thumburi] => pdf/0/thumbs/0bc7d9f952374684bd4f713848367e58.pdf [uri] => pdf/0/0bc7d9f952374684bd4f713848367e58.pdf [code] => 0bc7d9f952374684bd4f713848367e58 [realname] => 미래오성모빌리티_사업자등록증_20220616.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 102859 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-09-06 10:57:31 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2647 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2648 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/8 [thumburi] => pdf/8/thumbs/8b86533e337e858db764be708b3548a9.pdf [uri] => pdf/8/8b86533e337e858db764be708b3548a9.pdf [code] => 8b86533e337e858db764be708b3548a9 [realname] => (220825)등기사항전부증명서_미래오성모빌리티(유효사항).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1489447 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-09-06 10:57:31 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2648 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2649 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/9 [thumburi] => pdf/9/thumbs/9891f1bcf51209326bad69ccd8fa53a1.pdf [uri] => pdf/9/9891f1bcf51209326bad69ccd8fa53a1.pdf [code] => 9891f1bcf51209326bad69ccd8fa53a1 [realname] => 재무제표_미래오성모빌리티.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 260641 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-09-06 10:57:31 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2649 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2650 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/0 [thumburi] => pdf/0/thumbs/0c21e6091ab4cc9e4f53f5d0d8df3bef.pdf [uri] => pdf/0/0c21e6091ab4cc9e4f53f5d0d8df3bef.pdf [code] => 0c21e6091ab4cc9e4f53f5d0d8df3bef [realname] => 미래오성모빌리티_정관.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 4507556 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-09-06 10:57:31 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2650 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 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=> [files_seq] => 2750 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5381 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/5 [thumburi] => pdf/5/thumbs/50b9ac3157db853d5e52dfeb3b949fa8.pdf [uri] => pdf/5/50b9ac3157db853d5e52dfeb3b949fa8.pdf [code] => 50b9ac3157db853d5e52dfeb3b949fa8 [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_(주)미래오성모빌리티_230320.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 119299 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 15:22:44 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5381 [corpfiletype] => 10 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5385 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/d [thumburi] => pdf/d/thumbs/d6d7d236d37cebe25c131ece81f20295.pdf [uri] => pdf/d/d6d7d236d37cebe25c131ece81f20295.pdf [code] => d6d7d236d37cebe25c131ece81f20295 [realname] => 2022년 가결산 재무제표_(주)미래오성모빌리티.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 909625 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 15:23:06 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5385 [corpfiletype] => 11 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [corpfile3] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5383 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/b [thumburi] => pdf/b/thumbs/b7f9c66933801616c8accc5128a32da2.pdf [uri] => pdf/b/b7f9c66933801616c8accc5128a32da2.pdf [code] => b7f9c66933801616c8accc5128a32da2 [realname] => 모빌리티_등기부등본 (2).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 3545983 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 15:22:44 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5383 [corpfiletype] => 12 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5384 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/3 [thumburi] => pdf/3/thumbs/3df37a717e247f78e570623aaf06141b.pdf [uri] => pdf/3/3df37a717e247f78e570623aaf06141b.pdf [code] => 3df37a717e247f78e570623aaf06141b [realname] => 미래오성모빌리티_재무제표확인원-복사.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2519438 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 15:22:44 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5384 [corpfiletype] => 13 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 101400000 [investcnt] => 22 [cancelamt] => 70000000 [cancelcnt] => 15 ) )
모빌리티 플랫폼의 혁신
주식회사 미래오성모빌리티
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 127 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => [2차펀딩]
모빌리티 플랫폼의 혁신 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2022-08-18 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2022-08-31 [target_money] => 55500000 [title_message] => [2차펀딩]모빌리티 플랫폼의 혁신,미래오성모빌리티 [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/2/297f70c7cc0128eacbe299f1819b75bf.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/2/thumbs/297f70c7cc0128eacbe299f1819b75bf.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 김민석 [manager_email] => mail@osiv.kr [manager_phone] => 01053891236 [share_cnt] => 13 [homepage] => www.osiv.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 114352200 [total_investrate] => 206.04 [dpoption] => 1 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2022-09-08 12:01:18 [reg_dt] => 2022-08-16 15:18:07 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 127 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 52 [publisher_seq] => 1803 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7311120000 [pmt_dt] => 2022-09-14 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2022-10-04 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 300 [target_quantity] => 15000 [stock_price] => 100 [stock_issue_price] => 3700 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 00999015175717 [pbl_acno_nm] => 미래오성모빌리티 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 004 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 113040000000 [currentstock] => 20015000 [futurestock] => 15000 [aftersharerate] => 0.08 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 미래오성모빌리티 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 1803 [code] => 22P1N4YSB [people_seq] => 3306 [name] => 주식회사 미래오성모빌리티 [enname] => Miraeohsung Mobility Co.Ltd. [ceo] => 김범창 [managername] => 김민석 [managerphone] => 01053891236 [manageremail] => mail@osiv.kr [homepage] => www.osiv.kr [tel] => 02-899-3877 [fax] => [biznum] => 366-88-00363 [corpnum] => 110111-5957836 [bizstatus] => 정보서비스업 [biz_category] => 정보기술및 컴퓨터운영관련 서비스업 [established_date] => 2016-02-01 [employeenum] => 10 [zipcode] => 08588 [address] => 서울 금천구 가산디지털2로 67 (가산동, 에이스 하이엔드타워7) [addressdetail] => 804-78호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 2564 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 2565 [bankcode] => 004 [bankaccount] => 00999015175717 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2022-08-16 15:00:53 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 2564 [mType] => image [path] => 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pdf/1/172ef218e5bda3c286b138e1014e4135.pdf [code] => 172ef218e5bda3c286b138e1014e4135 [realname] => 미래오성모빌리티_사업자등록증_20220616.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 102859 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-08-16 16:00:28 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2567 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2568 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/7 [thumburi] => pdf/7/thumbs/7f844a444c2002bffe794726e9d21eb0.pdf [uri] => pdf/7/7f844a444c2002bffe794726e9d21eb0.pdf [code] => 7f844a444c2002bffe794726e9d21eb0 [realname] => 미래오성모빌리티_등기부등본_20220616.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2933351 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-08-16 16:00:28 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2568 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2573 [mType] => pdf [path] => 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0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2575 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5377 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/2 [thumburi] => pdf/2/thumbs/263934c8b2f4c6f4166217c59c9e9d48.pdf [uri] => pdf/2/263934c8b2f4c6f4166217c59c9e9d48.pdf [code] => 263934c8b2f4c6f4166217c59c9e9d48 [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_(주)미래오성모빌리티_230320.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 119299 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 15:22:06 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5377 [corpfiletype] => 10 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5378 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/f [thumburi] => pdf/f/thumbs/fbcc51919c6d710644a8f8a7ce6093de.pdf [uri] => pdf/f/fbcc51919c6d710644a8f8a7ce6093de.pdf [code] => fbcc51919c6d710644a8f8a7ce6093de [realname] => 2022년 가결산 재무제표_(주)미래오성모빌리티.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 909625 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 15:22:06 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5378 [corpfiletype] => 11 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [corpfile3] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5379 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/a [thumburi] => pdf/a/thumbs/aee29e554784886e084aa37720396fdb.pdf [uri] => pdf/a/aee29e554784886e084aa37720396fdb.pdf [code] => aee29e554784886e084aa37720396fdb [realname] => 모빌리티_등기부등본 (2).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 3545983 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 15:22:06 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5379 [corpfiletype] => 12 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5380 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/b [thumburi] => pdf/b/thumbs/be4a92eb539725b8634175ec90dd0cdd.pdf [uri] => 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모빌리티 플랫폼의 혁신
주식회사 미래오성모빌리티
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 122 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => [1차펀딩]
모빌리티 플랫폼의 혁신 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2022-07-22 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2022-08-04 [target_money] => 52500000 [title_message] => 모빌리티 플랫폼의 혁신 , 미래오성모빌리티 [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/1/14beafb1f4ef6d9015421648670cd0ed.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/1/thumbs/14beafb1f4ef6d9015421648670cd0ed.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 이형찬 [manager_email] => mail@osiv.kr [manager_phone] => 01066311250 [share_cnt] => 13 [homepage] => www.osiv.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 97860000 [total_investrate] => 186.4 [dpoption] => 1 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2022-09-08 14:38:43 [reg_dt] => 2022-07-20 16:34:38 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 122 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 48 [publisher_seq] => 1799 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7311120000 [pmt_dt] => 2022-08-22 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2022-09-08 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 300 [target_quantity] => 15000 [stock_price] => 100 [stock_issue_price] => 3500 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 46443704025977 [pbl_acno_nm] => 미래오성모빌리티 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 004 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 113040000000 [currentstock] => 20000000 [futurestock] => 15000 [aftersharerate] => 0.08 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 미래오성모빌리티 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 1799 [code] => 22PTFHLNS [people_seq] => 3306 [name] => 주식회사 미래오성모빌리티 [enname] => Miraeohsung Mobility Co.Ltd. [ceo] => 김범창 [managername] => 이형찬 [managerphone] => 010-6631-1250 [manageremail] => mail@osiv.kr [homepage] => www.osiv.kr [tel] => 02-899-3877 [fax] => [biznum] => 366-88-00363 [corpnum] => 110111-5957836 [bizstatus] => 정보서비스업 [biz_category] => 정보기술 및 컴퓨터운영 관련서비스업 [established_date] => 2016-01-26 [employeenum] => 10 [zipcode] => 08588 [address] => 서울 금천구 가산디지털2로 67 (가산동, 에이스 하이엔드타워7) [addressdetail] => 804-78 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 2416 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 2417 [bankcode] => 004 [bankaccount] => 46443704025977 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2022-07-20 16:07:10 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 2416 [mType] => image [path] => 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[path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/1 [thumburi] => pdf/1/thumbs/18275b3d48ffe5021b8011be78c47bb3.pdf [uri] => pdf/1/18275b3d48ffe5021b8011be78c47bb3.pdf [code] => 18275b3d48ffe5021b8011be78c47bb3 [realname] => 재무제표_미래오성모빌리티.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 260641 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-07-21 18:02:16 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2428 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2425 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/7 [thumburi] => pdf/7/thumbs/7c97a136d26ccf672fcc4969c30ada83.pdf [uri] => pdf/7/7c97a136d26ccf672fcc4969c30ada83.pdf [code] => 7c97a136d26ccf672fcc4969c30ada83 [realname] => 정관_미래오성모빌리티_원본대조필 날인본.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 3888976 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-07-21 16:49:38 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2425 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2426 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/1 [thumburi] => pdf/1/thumbs/1c420cb560f47d87fb9d395f778c355d.pdf [uri] => pdf/1/1c420cb560f47d87fb9d395f778c355d.pdf [code] => 1c420cb560f47d87fb9d395f778c355d [realname] => 증권청약서_미래오성모빌리티 보통주_1차_공모_220715 (1).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 40895 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-07-21 16:49:38 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2426 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2427 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/f [thumburi] => pdf/f/thumbs/f5bad5005465cfb92461921052b4fe00.pdf [uri] => pdf/f/f5bad5005465cfb92461921052b4fe00.pdf [code] => f5bad5005465cfb92461921052b4fe00 [realname] => 온라앤소액증권 모집정보 게재자료_미래오성모빌리티 보통주_1차_220721 (1).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2879260 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-07-21 16:49:38 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2427 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5373 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/4 [thumburi] => pdf/4/thumbs/426f22df4c015fd4622a7699b2b565cb.pdf [uri] => pdf/4/426f22df4c015fd4622a7699b2b565cb.pdf [code] => 426f22df4c015fd4622a7699b2b565cb [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서_(주)미래오성모빌리티_230320.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 119299 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 15:20:42 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5373 [corpfiletype] => 10 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 5374 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/0 [thumburi] => pdf/0/thumbs/0b0096c7b142753411df00a86e5ef908.pdf [uri] => pdf/0/0b0096c7b142753411df00a86e5ef908.pdf [code] => 0b0096c7b142753411df00a86e5ef908 [realname] => 2022년 가결산 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pdf/c/c52e42cb170c2d32160d694da3cb4c3f.pdf [code] => c52e42cb170c2d32160d694da3cb4c3f [realname] => 미래오성모빌리티_재무제표확인원-복사.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2519438 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2024-03-28 15:20:42 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 5376 [corpfiletype] => 13 [corpimage] => [comment] => 결산자료 ) ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 97860000 [investcnt] => 22 [cancelamt] => 38864000 [cancelcnt] => 11 ) )
흐름에서 가치를 창조하다.
국가공인 유량계측전문 강소기업
주식회사 플로트론
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 116 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => 흐름에서 가치를 창조하다.
국가공인 유량계측전문 강소기업 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2022-07-08 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2022-07-21 [target_money] => 490000000 [title_message] => 흐름에서 가치를 창조하다. 국가공인 유량계측전문 강소기업 [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/f/f6a803d44f70cd5bdbe9cec06c0d58b2.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/f/thumbs/f6a803d44f70cd5bdbe9cec06c0d58b2.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 한정옥 [manager_email] => jangkj@flotron.co.kr [manager_phone] => 01086378772 [share_cnt] => 16 [homepage] => www.flotron.co.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 8302000 [total_investrate] => 1.6942857142857 [dpoption] => 1 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2022-07-22 16:45:58 [reg_dt] => 2022-06-15 15:29:18 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 0 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 116 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 44 [publisher_seq] => 127 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7141280008 [pmt_dt] => 2022-08-05 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2022-08-25 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 200 [target_quantity] => 140000 [stock_price] => 500 [stock_issue_price] => 3500 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 233-056827-04-029 [pbl_acno_nm] => (주)플로트론 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 003 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 40 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 환불완료 [deductYN] => Y [entvalue] => 27800000000 [currentstock] => 6195926 [futurestock] => 140000 [aftersharerate] => 2.21 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 플로트론 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 127 [code] => 22PYBE588 [people_seq] => 3286 [name] => 주식회사 플로트론 [enname] => FLOTRON [ceo] => 장국진 [managername] => 한정옥 [managerphone] => 01086378772 [manageremail] => hanjo@flotron.co.kr [homepage] => www.flotron.co.kr [tel] => 02-3470-5892 [fax] => [biznum] => 2148837332 [corpnum] => 1101114036318 [bizstatus] => 정밀기계제조업 [biz_category] => 기체액체용적산계기,자동조정 [established_date] => 2009-02-02 [employeenum] => 68 [zipcode] => 06633 [address] => 서울 서초구 서초대로56길 34 (서초동, 예원빌딩) [addressdetail] => 전체 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 2311 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 2312 [bankcode] => 003 [bankaccount] => 23305682704029 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2022-06-15 15:21:43 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 2311 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/8 [thumburi] => image/8/thumbs/804f605df6dc0df8c903444a23fb0e54.png [uri] => image/8/804f605df6dc0df8c903444a23fb0e54.png [code] => 804f605df6dc0df8c903444a23fb0e54 [realname] => 사본 -로고.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 44081 [duration] => 0 [width] => 500 [height] => 500 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-07-04 09:30:58 ) [corpfilelogo] => Array ( [seq] => 2312 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/8 [thumburi] => image/8/thumbs/8adff8360208e49577448ecaf85f5ef0.png [uri] => image/8/8adff8360208e49577448ecaf85f5ef0.png [code] => 8adff8360208e49577448ecaf85f5ef0 [realname] => 사본 -대표이미지(최종).png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 1474109 [duration] => 0 [width] => 1600 [height] => 900 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-07-04 09:30:58 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2313 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/a [thumburi] => pdf/a/thumbs/a9fa939d985c2387ebbcfa36b3688336.pdf [uri] => pdf/a/a9fa939d985c2387ebbcfa36b3688336.pdf [code] => a9fa939d985c2387ebbcfa36b3688336 [realname] => 사업자등록증_(주)플로트론.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 235793 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-07-04 09:30:58 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2313 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2314 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/8 [thumburi] => pdf/8/thumbs/836ad9de1b5c7145b84be0ce0352ec57.pdf [uri] => pdf/8/836ad9de1b5c7145b84be0ce0352ec57.pdf [code] => 836ad9de1b5c7145b84be0ce0352ec57 [realname] => 법인등기부등본(2022-06-10).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 7853414 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-07-04 09:30:58 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2314 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2323 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/2 [thumburi] => pdf/2/thumbs/20b147eb64b308b23e4c96169f99e1b1.pdf [uri] => pdf/2/20b147eb64b308b23e4c96169f99e1b1.pdf [code] => 20b147eb64b308b23e4c96169f99e1b1 [realname] => [플로트론]감사보고서(2022.03.22).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 386212 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-07-07 11:14:48 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2323 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2315 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/b [thumburi] => pdf/b/thumbs/b7a50d6c449fc934fa2c8dee04175e06.pdf [uri] => pdf/b/b7a50d6c449fc934fa2c8dee04175e06.pdf [code] => b7a50d6c449fc934fa2c8dee04175e06 [realname] => 정관_(주)플로트론.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 4634015 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-07-04 09:30:58 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2315 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2316 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/3 [thumburi] => pdf/3/thumbs/323f47ce14d6fdae031e0ba120e6373e.pdf [uri] => pdf/3/323f47ce14d6fdae031e0ba120e6373e.pdf [code] => 323f47ce14d6fdae031e0ba120e6373e [realname] => 증권청약서_플로트론 보통주_1차_공모_220627.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 32047 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-07-04 09:30:58 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2316 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2330 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/a [thumburi] => pdf/a/thumbs/ad0a8278e33268cd445e81b9c008fc35.pdf [uri] => pdf/a/ad0a8278e33268cd445e81b9c008fc35.pdf [code] => ad0a8278e33268cd445e81b9c008fc35 [realname] => 온라앤소액증권 모집정보 게재자료_보통주_1차_플로트론_220707(최종).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 21683738 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-07-08 10:45:33 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2330 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 8302000 [investcnt] => 4 [cancelamt] => 28350000 [cancelcnt] => 11 ) )
[2차펀딩] 온라인 마케팅 종합 플랫폼. 온마
주식회사 온마플랫폼
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 118 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => [2차펀딩] 온라인 마케팅 종합 플랫폼. 온마 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2022-06-20 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2022-07-01 [target_money] => 50000000 [title_message] => 온라인 마케팅 종합플랫폼, 온마 [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/8/8d4be552e4bbe821e47675204442ca2c.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/8/thumbs/8d4be552e4bbe821e47675204442ca2c.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 정희수 [manager_email] => ceo@onma.co.kr [manager_phone] => 010-9482-1682 [share_cnt] => 16 [homepage] => www.onma.co.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 50000000 [total_investrate] => 100 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2022-07-22 16:54:15 [reg_dt] => 2022-06-17 09:04:31 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 0 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 118 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 46 [publisher_seq] => 129 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7430420000 [pmt_dt] => 2022-07-13 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2022-08-01 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 100 [target_quantity] => 5000 [stock_price] => 500 [stock_issue_price] => 10000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 100035732412 [pbl_acno_nm] => 온마플랫폼 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 088 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 2200000000 [currentstock] => 220000 [futurestock] => 5000 [aftersharerate] => 2.22 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 온마플랫폼 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 129 [code] => 22PFF4L4A [people_seq] => 2891 [name] => 주식회사 온마플랫폼 [enname] => OnmaPlatform [ceo] => 정희수 [managername] => 정희수 [managerphone] => 010-9482-1682 [manageremail] => ceo@onma.co.kr [homepage] => www.onma.co.kr [tel] => 1544-8195 [fax] => [biznum] => 428-86-02097 [corpnum] => 110111-8161608 [bizstatus] => 정보통신업 [biz_category] => 포털 및 기타인터넷 정보 매개 서비스 [established_date] => 2022-01-11 [employeenum] => 5 [zipcode] => 06168 [address] => 서울 강남구 테헤란로 507 (삼성동, WeWork빌딩) [addressdetail] => 11층 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 2262 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => 2266 [bankcode] => 088 [bankaccount] => 100035732412 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2022-06-17 08:55:50 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 2262 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/c [thumburi] => image/c/thumbs/c1e4b70f8a131ebb469a6dd36e776538.png [uri] => image/c/c1e4b70f8a131ebb469a6dd36e776538.png [code] => c1e4b70f8a131ebb469a6dd36e776538 [realname] => 500-500.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 12743 [duration] => 0 [width] => 500 [height] => 500 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-06-17 11:58:07 ) [corpfilelogo] => Array ( [seq] => 2266 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/3 [thumburi] => image/3/thumbs/33606f1571249efb77399ec4b0399701.png [uri] => image/3/33606f1571249efb77399ec4b0399701.png [code] => 33606f1571249efb77399ec4b0399701 [realname] => 1600-900.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 2056568 [duration] => 0 [width] => 1600 [height] => 900 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-06-17 13:16:06 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2267 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/9 [thumburi] => pdf/9/thumbs/967f34cd0aab73b41dd07ab2d038e732.pdf [uri] => pdf/9/967f34cd0aab73b41dd07ab2d038e732.pdf [code] => 967f34cd0aab73b41dd07ab2d038e732 [realname] => 사업자등록증(온마플랫폼).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 229243 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-06-17 13:16:06 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2267 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2268 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/f [thumburi] => pdf/f/thumbs/f433cf4e4003cc5fa857c828ecf9e564.pdf [uri] => pdf/f/f433cf4e4003cc5fa857c828ecf9e564.pdf [code] => f433cf4e4003cc5fa857c828ecf9e564 [realname] => 법인등기부등본_(주)온마플랫폼_220608.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1567681 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-06-17 13:16:06 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2268 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2281 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/a [thumburi] => pdf/a/thumbs/a049ccdd2290c8899dc7afb288425620.pdf [uri] => pdf/a/a049ccdd2290c8899dc7afb288425620.pdf [code] => a049ccdd2290c8899dc7afb288425620 [realname] => 정관-온마플랫폼.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 6204084 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-06-19 11:52:38 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2281 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2280 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/0 [thumburi] => pdf/0/thumbs/018944a4c8a6e0af51d44bf54c832ac4.pdf [uri] => pdf/0/018944a4c8a6e0af51d44bf54c832ac4.pdf [code] => 018944a4c8a6e0af51d44bf54c832ac4 [realname] => 증권청약서(온마플랫폼).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 35018 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-06-17 18:33:02 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2280 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2293 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/5 [thumburi] => pdf/5/thumbs/53554d2d83257a35361e13be770a5935.pdf [uri] => pdf/5/53554d2d83257a35361e13be770a5935.pdf [code] => 53554d2d83257a35361e13be770a5935 [realname] => 온라앤소액증권 모집정보 게재자료_수정본_보통주_2차_온마플랫폼_220617.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1875318 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-06-21 13:26:48 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2293 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 50000000 [investcnt] => 1 [cancelamt] => 0 [cancelcnt] => 0 ) )
[2차펀딩] 디지털 마케팅 그 이상의
가치, 애드모션
애드모션 주식회사
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 119 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => [2차펀딩] 디지털 마케팅 그 이상의
가치, 애드모션 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2022-06-20 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2022-07-01 [target_money] => 50000000 [title_message] => 디지털 마케팅 그 이상의 가치, 애드모션 [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/b/b70f7cfa3238746f82958574ea892f9c.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/b/thumbs/b70f7cfa3238746f82958574ea892f9c.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 정희수 [manager_email] => admotion@admotion.co.kr [manager_phone] => 010-9482-1682 [share_cnt] => 16 [homepage] => www.admotion.co.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 50000000 [total_investrate] => 100 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2022-12-09 20:03:10 [reg_dt] => 2022-06-17 09:16:10 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 1 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 119 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 47 [publisher_seq] => 130 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7430490003 [pmt_dt] => 2022-07-13 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2022-08-01 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 2000 [target_quantity] => 100000 [stock_price] => 500 [stock_issue_price] => 500 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 100035732469 [pbl_acno_nm] => 애드모션 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 088 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 550000000 [currentstock] => 110000 [futurestock] => 100000 [aftersharerate] => 47.62 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 애드모션 주식회사 [project_cate_code] => 020 [catename] => 기타 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 130 [code] => 22PCD4PW [people_seq] => 2944 [name] => 애드모션 주식회사 [enname] => ADmotion Corp. [ceo] => 정희수 [managername] => 정희수 [managerphone] => 010-9482-1682 [manageremail] => admotion@admotion.co.kr [homepage] => www.admotion.co.kr [tel] => 1544-5896 [fax] => [biznum] => 822-81-02353 [corpnum] => 110111-8165717 [bizstatus] => 전문,과학 및 기술서비스업 [biz_category] => 광고대행업 [established_date] => 2022-01-13 [employeenum] => 2 [zipcode] => 06159 [address] => 서울 강남구 테헤란로 431 (삼성동, 라이언타워) [addressdetail] => 2층 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 2282 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => [bankcode] => 088 [bankaccount] => 100035732469 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2022-06-17 09:12:44 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 2282 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/b [thumburi] => image/b/thumbs/b1ea09d706f459cadcb6b5279b9d6a22.jpg [uri] => image/b/b1ea09d706f459cadcb6b5279b9d6a22.jpg [code] => b1ea09d706f459cadcb6b5279b9d6a22 [realname] => 로고_500-500.jpg [filetype] => jpg [filesize] => 14443 [duration] => 0 [width] => 500 [height] => 500 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-06-19 12:14:49 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2274 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/1 [thumburi] => pdf/1/thumbs/153abe2619d500ce50bcf8c5f1e255c9.pdf [uri] => pdf/1/153abe2619d500ce50bcf8c5f1e255c9.pdf [code] => 153abe2619d500ce50bcf8c5f1e255c9 [realname] => 사업자등록증_애드모션(주).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 227977 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-06-17 18:30:10 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2274 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2275 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/2 [thumburi] => pdf/2/thumbs/222e3f7c931119de06cf79fa23f1126a.pdf [uri] => pdf/2/222e3f7c931119de06cf79fa23f1126a.pdf [code] => 222e3f7c931119de06cf79fa23f1126a [realname] => 등기사항전부증명서(애드모션).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 303090 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-06-17 18:30:10 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2275 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2276 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/a [thumburi] => pdf/a/thumbs/af9030daf68828de861c09b0d5edb1de.pdf [uri] => pdf/a/af9030daf68828de861c09b0d5edb1de.pdf [code] => af9030daf68828de861c09b0d5edb1de [realname] => 정관_애드모션(주).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2532904 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-06-17 18:30:10 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2276 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2277 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/1 [thumburi] => pdf/1/thumbs/148e0cd03d6daa9f66bfd15f12f1f4f3.pdf [uri] => pdf/1/148e0cd03d6daa9f66bfd15f12f1f4f3.pdf [code] => 148e0cd03d6daa9f66bfd15f12f1f4f3 [realname] => 증권청약서(애드모션).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 34254 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-06-17 18:30:10 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2277 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 2278 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/c [thumburi] => pdf/c/thumbs/c4ff58c850a762bd73eb48d3407e95ab.pdf [uri] => pdf/c/c4ff58c850a762bd73eb48d3407e95ab.pdf [code] => c4ff58c850a762bd73eb48d3407e95ab [realname] => 투자설명서(애드모션).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 917161 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-06-17 18:30:10 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 2278 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 50000000 [investcnt] => 1 [cancelamt] => 0 [cancelcnt] => 0 ) )
디지털 마케팅 그 이상의 가치.
애드모션 주식회사
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 111 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => 디지털 마케팅 그 이상의 가치.
애드모션 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2022-05-30 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2022-05-31 [target_money] => 50000000 [title_message] => 고객의 가치를 높이고,비즈니스를 성장시키는 No.1 Total Online AD & Digital Marketing Agency [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 1 [title_img_file] => project/image/a/a5b25ec3567eefcdf1186efb4620f03d.jpg [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/a/thumbs/a5b25ec3567eefcdf1186efb4620f03d.jpg [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 정희수 [manager_email] => admotion@admotion.co.kr [manager_phone] => 1544-5896 [share_cnt] => 16 [homepage] => www.admotion.co.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 50000000 [total_investrate] => 100 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2022-07-22 16:55:17 [reg_dt] => 2022-05-27 14:19:20 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 0 [successtype] => 01 [successtypenm] => 성공 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 111 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 40 [publisher_seq] => 123 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7430490003 [pmt_dt] => 2022-06-14 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2022-07-01 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 200 [target_quantity] => 10000 [stock_price] => 500 [stock_issue_price] => 5000 [stock_distribution_method] => 3 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 100035732469 [pbl_acno_nm] => 애드모션 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 088 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => [currentstock] => 100000 [futurestock] => 10000 [aftersharerate] => 11.00 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 애드모션 주식회사 [project_cate_code] => 020 [catename] => 기타 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 123 [code] => 22PSA7HRJ [people_seq] => 2944 [name] => 애드모션 주식회사 [enname] => ADmotion Corp. [ceo] => 정희수 [managername] => 정희수 [managerphone] => 010-9482-1682 [manageremail] => admotion@admotion.co.kr [homepage] => www.admotion.co.kr [tel] => 1544-5896 [fax] => [biznum] => 822-81-02353 [corpnum] => 110111-8165717 [bizstatus] => 전문,과학및기술서비스업 [biz_category] => 광고대행업 [established_date] => 2022-01-13 [employeenum] => 2 [zipcode] => 06159 [address] => 서울 강남구 테헤란로 431 (삼성동, 라이언타워) [addressdetail] => 2층 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 2194 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => [bankcode] => 088 [bankaccount] => 100035732469 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2022-05-27 11:56:39 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 2194 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/7 [thumburi] => image/7/thumbs/7d05a12de97cd9fdca80a0768ac0befb.jpg [uri] => image/7/7d05a12de97cd9fdca80a0768ac0befb.jpg [code] => 7d05a12de97cd9fdca80a0768ac0befb [realname] => 애드모션(로고).jpg [filetype] => jpg [filesize] => 14443 [duration] => 0 [width] => 500 [height] => 500 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-05-27 11:56:39 ) [corpfile] => Array ( ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 50000000 [investcnt] => 1 [cancelamt] => 50000000 [cancelcnt] => 1 ) )
온라인 마케팅 종합 플랫폼, 온마
주식회사 온마플랫폼
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 109 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => [code] => [name] => 온라인 마케팅 종합 플랫폼, 온마 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2022-05-16 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2022-05-17 [target_money] => 50000000 [title_message] => 온라인 마케팅 종합 플랫폼 , 온마 [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/1/14434a96357585460a7645e5e61bb242.jpg [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/1/thumbs/14434a96357585460a7645e5e61bb242.jpg [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 정희수 [manager_email] => ceo@onma.co.kr [manager_phone] => 1544-8195 [share_cnt] => 16 [homepage] => www.onma.co.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 50000000 [total_investrate] => 100 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2022-07-22 16:55:27 [reg_dt] => 2022-05-10 17:35:14 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 0 [successtype] => 01 [successtypenm] => 성공 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 109 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 38 [publisher_seq] => 121 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => [pmt_dt] => 2022-05-26 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2022-06-17 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 400 [target_quantity] => 20000 [stock_price] => 500 [stock_issue_price] => 2500 [stock_distribution_method] => 3 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 100035732412 [pbl_acno_nm] => 온마플랫폼 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 088 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 500000000 [currentstock] => 200000 [futurestock] => 20000 [aftersharerate] => 9.09 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 온마플랫폼 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 121 [code] => 22PBCWDWN [people_seq] => 2891 [name] => 주식회사 온마플랫폼 [enname] => OnmaPlatform [ceo] => 정희수 [managername] => 정희수 [managerphone] => 010-9482-1682 [manageremail] => ceo@onma.co.kr [homepage] => www.onma.co.kr [tel] => 1544-8195 [fax] => [biznum] => 428-86-02097 [corpnum] => 110111-8161608 [bizstatus] => 정보통신업 [biz_category] => 포털및기타인터넷정보매개서비스업 [established_date] => 2022-01-11 [employeenum] => 5 [zipcode] => 06168 [address] => 서울 강남구 테헤란로 507 (삼성동, WeWork빌딩) [addressdetail] => 11층 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => 온마는 온라인마켓팅 휴먼클라우드 플랫폼입니다 [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 1970 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => [bankcode] => 088 [bankaccount] => 100035732412 [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2022-05-10 17:22:25 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 1970 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/3 [thumburi] => image/3/thumbs/365c8ded781933ee5688e95816724ef8.jpg [uri] => image/3/365c8ded781933ee5688e95816724ef8.jpg [code] => 365c8ded781933ee5688e95816724ef8 [realname] => 로고.jpg [filetype] => jpg [filesize] => 16527 [duration] => 0 [width] => 500 [height] => 500 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2022-05-13 11:06:02 ) [corpfile] => Array ( ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 50000000 [investcnt] => 1 [cancelamt] => 0 [cancelcnt] => 0 ) )
여성 온라인 쇼핑몰 전문 기업.
㈜ 에스와이제이
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 100 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => 1 [code] => [name] => 여성 온라인 쇼핑몰 전문 기업.
에스와이제이 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2020-06-24 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2020-07-20 [target_money] => 250000000 [title_message] => [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/5/593cdbc24a26a4b6774839a6e4b0da32.jpg [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/5/thumbs/593cdbc24a26a4b6774839a6e4b0da32.jpg [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 이민헌 [manager_email] => syj1583hq@naver.com [manager_phone] => 070-5057-6282 [share_cnt] => 16 [homepage] => http://www.im3.co.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 292000000 [total_investrate] => 116.8 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2022-07-22 16:56:59 [reg_dt] => 2020-06-18 14:09:54 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 0 [successtype] => 01 [successtypenm] => 성공 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 100 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 33 [publisher_seq] => 45 [securitytype] => 11 [securitytypenm] => 채권 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR6251541A73 [pmt_dt] => 2020-07-29 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2020-07-31 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 1 [target_quantity] => 250 [stock_price] => 0 [stock_issue_price] => 0 [stock_distribution_method] => [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 403-07400704-045 [pbl_acno_nm] => 김소영 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 003 [pbl_scts_knd] => 02 [sbsc_iss_no] => 00000908 [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 0 [currentstock] => 0 [futurestock] => 0 [aftersharerate] => 0.00 [expire_dt] => 2023-07-20 [expire_month] => 36 [payoffway] => 01 [payoffwaynm] => 만기일시상환 [bondtype] => 165 [bondtypenm] => 전환사채 [interestrate] => 3 [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => 매 1년 단위 [accountsnum] => 250 [accountsprice] => 1000000 [stockdivideday] => 0101 [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => ㈜ 에스와이제이 [project_cate_code] => 114 [catename] => 기타 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 45 [code] => 20PB5CVKP [people_seq] => 2424 [name] => ㈜ 에스와이제이 [enname] => syj [ceo] => 김소영 [managername] => 이민헌 [managerphone] => 070-5057-6282 [manageremail] => syj1583hq@naver.com [homepage] => http://www.im3.co.kr/ [tel] => 070-5057-6282 [fax] => [biznum] => 122-86-38794 [corpnum] => 120111-0703597 [bizstatus] => 제조업 [biz_category] => 봉제의복 [established_date] => 2014-04-16 [employeenum] => 15 [zipcode] => 08589 [address] => 서울 금천구 가산디지털1로 119 (가산동, SK트윈테크타워) [addressdetail] => 7층 3호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 1213 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => [bankcode] => [bankaccount] => [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2020-06-18 14:04:15 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 1213 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/e [thumburi] => image/e/thumbs/eda4ec38664134f8d1b49cd9884a0561.jpg [uri] => image/e/eda4ec38664134f8d1b49cd9884a0561.jpg [code] => eda4ec38664134f8d1b49cd9884a0561 [realname] => ci.jpg [filetype] => jpg [filesize] => 67446 [duration] => 0 [width] => 700 [height] => 500 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-06-23 11:52:12 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1101 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/e [thumburi] => image/e/thumbs/e96ed2b14925b83987031e0c6e1580a4.jpg [uri] => image/e/e96ed2b14925b83987031e0c6e1580a4.jpg [code] => e96ed2b14925b83987031e0c6e1580a4 [realname] => syj사업자등록.jpg [filetype] => jpg [filesize] => 1570049 [duration] => 0 [width] => 2480 [height] => 3507 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-06-18 14:28:54 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1101 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1194 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/c [thumburi] => image/c/thumbs/c86bf47f14644ef9c80ee4b29b46aed7.jpg [uri] => image/c/c86bf47f14644ef9c80ee4b29b46aed7.jpg [code] => c86bf47f14644ef9c80ee4b29b46aed7 [realname] => 1. 사업자등록증(에스와이제이).jpg [filetype] => jpg [filesize] => 1570049 [duration] => 0 [width] => 2480 [height] => 3507 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-06-23 11:07:10 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1194 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1195 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/e2dff3d516ff1ae8075bad73ee88c15c.pdf [uri] => pdf/e/e2dff3d516ff1ae8075bad73ee88c15c.pdf [code] => e2dff3d516ff1ae8075bad73ee88c15c [realname] => 2. 법인등기부등본(에스와이제이).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 5466130 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-06-23 11:07:10 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1195 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1196 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/d [thumburi] => pdf/d/thumbs/df9823186e888b2ec8e4dbd36629a9f1.pdf [uri] => pdf/d/df9823186e888b2ec8e4dbd36629a9f1.pdf [code] => df9823186e888b2ec8e4dbd36629a9f1 [realname] => 2. 2019년 재무제표.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2250568 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-06-23 11:07:10 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1196 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1197 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/1 [thumburi] => pdf/1/thumbs/1a8d86f4c945cb4142b8a2318d4c666a.pdf [uri] => pdf/1/1a8d86f4c945cb4142b8a2318d4c666a.pdf [code] => 1a8d86f4c945cb4142b8a2318d4c666a [realname] => 3. 정관(에스와이제이).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 4139369 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-06-23 11:07:10 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1197 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1512 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/f [thumburi] => pdf/f/thumbs/f9cbe6cbe41d0cf4259fcc5fd985d5e9.pdf [uri] => pdf/f/f9cbe6cbe41d0cf4259fcc5fd985d5e9.pdf [code] => f9cbe6cbe41d0cf4259fcc5fd985d5e9 [realname] => 사채청약서 20200708.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1076684 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-07-08 15:01:28 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1512 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1513 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/a [thumburi] => pdf/a/thumbs/ae0b3e03cbeb4b80c14aba583fafe7a7.pdf [uri] => pdf/a/ae0b3e03cbeb4b80c14aba583fafe7a7.pdf [code] => ae0b3e03cbeb4b80c14aba583fafe7a7 [realname] => SYJ_투자설명서_20200708.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2721286 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-07-08 15:01:28 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1513 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1515 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/6 [thumburi] => pdf/6/thumbs/6c8b07cde3ed4fbd4005cb3e3400801e.pdf [uri] => pdf/6/6c8b07cde3ed4fbd4005cb3e3400801e.pdf [code] => 6c8b07cde3ed4fbd4005cb3e3400801e [realname] => 0. 아시아크라우드펀딩_에스와이제이_등록신청ᄉ [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 86983 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-07-08 15:04:49 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1515 [corpfiletype] => 4 [corpimage] => [comment] => 기타파일 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 292000000 [investcnt] => 92 [cancelamt] => 60000000 [cancelcnt] => 34 ) )
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 99 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => 1 [code] => [name] => 덕창산업 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2020-03-25 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2020-04-28 [target_money] => 100000000 [title_message] => [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/5/5335331adaef98abb034ed915b698819.jpg [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/5/thumbs/5335331adaef98abb034ed915b698819.jpg [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 박은숙 [manager_email] => rhkdrb7@nate.com [manager_phone] => 010-8217-5877 [share_cnt] => 16 [homepage] => . [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 0 [total_investrate] => 0 [dpoption] => 1 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2023-01-31 09:14:38 [reg_dt] => 2020-03-19 17:42:17 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 0 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 99 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 32 [publisher_seq] => 44 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7352100002 [pmt_dt] => 2020-05-13 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2020-06-01 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 1000 [target_quantity] => 250000 [stock_price] => 100 [stock_issue_price] => 400 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => [pbl_acno_nm] => [pbl_bnk_cd] => [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => 00000899 [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 4723994556 [currentstock] => 7500000 [futurestock] => 250000 [aftersharerate] => 3.23 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => (주)덕창산업 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 44 [code] => 20P3NP27A [people_seq] => 37 [name] => (주)덕창산업 [enname] => DUCKCHANG [ceo] => 양옥진 [managername] => 박은숙 [managerphone] => 010-8217-5877 [manageremail] => rhkdrb7@nate.com [homepage] => www.덕창.co.kr [tel] => 02-462-7475 [fax] => [biznum] => 156-88-01159 [corpnum] => 131311-0201974 [bizstatus] => 제조,도소매 [biz_category] => 재생플라스틱원료생산 [established_date] => 2018-08-08 [employeenum] => 6 [zipcode] => 17800 [address] => 경기 평택시 청북읍 고잔5길 67 (고잔리) [addressdetail] => 덕창산업 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 1065 [corpimage_b] => 1066 [corpimage_l] => [bankcode] => [bankaccount] => [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2020-03-19 17:36:09 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 1065 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/6 [thumburi] => image/6/thumbs/60a0ef057510d7cbfa3366b8ce964dda.jpg [uri] => image/6/60a0ef057510d7cbfa3366b8ce964dda.jpg [code] => 60a0ef057510d7cbfa3366b8ce964dda [realname] => ducklogo.jpg [filetype] => jpg [filesize] => 44536 [duration] => 0 [width] => 249 [height] => 147 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-03-19 17:36:09 ) [corpfilebi] => Array ( [seq] => 1066 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/7 [thumburi] => image/7/thumbs/70565620ddea74167953bf0ca161fece.jpg [uri] => image/7/70565620ddea74167953bf0ca161fece.jpg [code] => 70565620ddea74167953bf0ca161fece [realname] => ducklogo.jpg [filetype] => jpg [filesize] => 44536 [duration] => 0 [width] => 249 [height] => 147 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-03-19 17:36:09 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1068 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/c [thumburi] => pdf/c/thumbs/ca6898129ca9d8dce21352ef4a07ef90.pdf [uri] => pdf/c/ca6898129ca9d8dce21352ef4a07ef90.pdf [code] => ca6898129ca9d8dce21352ef4a07ef90 [realname] => 1. 사업자등록증(덕창산업).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 310856 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-03-24 16:55:48 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1068 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1069 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/6 [thumburi] => pdf/6/thumbs/6b7fbfb3b7d70a1a904984280542d470.pdf [uri] => pdf/6/6b7fbfb3b7d70a1a904984280542d470.pdf [code] => 6b7fbfb3b7d70a1a904984280542d470 [realname] => 2. 법인등기부등본(덕창산업).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 221455 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-03-24 16:55:48 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1069 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1070 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/0 [thumburi] => pdf/0/thumbs/09ff85a8fc7f30335a44f894490e6075.pdf [uri] => pdf/0/09ff85a8fc7f30335a44f894490e6075.pdf [code] => 09ff85a8fc7f30335a44f894490e6075 [realname] => 재무제표증명원.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1392673 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-03-24 16:55:48 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1070 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1071 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/a [thumburi] => pdf/a/thumbs/acdd3ab4b9894e3f0b86ede83c5a7a04.pdf [uri] => pdf/a/acdd3ab4b9894e3f0b86ede83c5a7a04.pdf [code] => acdd3ab4b9894e3f0b86ede83c5a7a04 [realname] => 3. 정관(덕창산업).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 6900418 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-03-24 16:55:48 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1071 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1083 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/8 [thumburi] => pdf/8/thumbs/8c5fea81a96fc086347516beefd28421.pdf [uri] => pdf/8/8c5fea81a96fc086347516beefd28421.pdf [code] => 8c5fea81a96fc086347516beefd28421 [realname] => 4. 신주식청약서(덕창산업).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 34446 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-04-06 16:19:48 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1083 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1084 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/9 [thumburi] => pdf/9/thumbs/93e7b089e14bceea984aee95f66458e8.pdf [uri] => pdf/9/93e7b089e14bceea984aee95f66458e8.pdf [code] => 93e7b089e14bceea984aee95f66458e8 [realname] => 5. 투자설명서_덕창산업(20200325).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2960661 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-04-06 16:19:48 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1084 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 0 [investcnt] => 0 [cancelamt] => 640000 [cancelcnt] => 4 ) )
영화사길몽 제작 영화 네스트 투자
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 98 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => 1 [code] => [name] => 영화사길몽 제작 영화 네스트 투자 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2020-03-18 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2020-04-17 [target_money] => 150000000 [title_message] => [remark] => [tags] => [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/e/e046231de57ad2b98f558ca38301708f.jpg [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/e/thumbs/e046231de57ad2b98f558ca38301708f.jpg [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 이동호 [manager_email] => antonioldh@naver.com [manager_phone] => 010-2286-9074 [share_cnt] => 16 [homepage] => www.asiacrowd.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 0 [total_investrate] => 0 [dpoption] => 1 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2023-01-31 09:14:13 [reg_dt] => 2020-03-16 09:45:18 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 0 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 98 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 31 [publisher_seq] => 43 [securitytype] => 11 [securitytypenm] => 채권 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR6351461A44 [pmt_dt] => 2020-04-29 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2020-04-29 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 10 [target_quantity] => 1500 [stock_price] => 100000 [stock_issue_price] => 100000 [stock_distribution_method] => [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 100-031-881608 [pbl_acno_nm] => (주)영화사길몽 이동호 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 088 [pbl_scts_knd] => 02 [sbsc_iss_no] => 00000896 [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 307000000 [currentstock] => 61400 [futurestock] => 61400 [aftersharerate] => [expire_dt] => 2022-04-12 [expire_month] => 24 [payoffway] => 01 [payoffwaynm] => 만기일시상환 [bondtype] => 166 [bondtypenm] => 이익참가부사채 [interestrate] => 0 [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => 일시상환 [accountsnum] => 1500 [accountsprice] => 100000 [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => (주)영화사길몽 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 43 [code] => 20P6SNH2B [people_seq] => 37 [name] => (주)영화사길몽 [enname] => HANART [ceo] => 이동호 [managername] => 이동호 [managerphone] => 02-2286-9074 [manageremail] => antonioldh@naver.com [homepage] => [tel] => 02-2286-9074 [fax] => [biznum] => 522-81-00606 [corpnum] => 110111-6233657 [bizstatus] => 서비스 [biz_category] => 영와,음반 및 배급 외 [established_date] => 2016-11-16 [employeenum] => 4 [zipcode] => 06561 [address] => 서울 서초구 방배로 227 (방배동, 영춘빌딩) [addressdetail] => 307호 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 1057 [corpimage_b] => 1058 [corpimage_l] => [bankcode] => [bankaccount] => [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2020-03-16 09:43:31 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 1057 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/d [thumburi] => image/d/thumbs/db5c175fe2bd2590e591d902001d6dc0.jpg [uri] => image/d/db5c175fe2bd2590e591d902001d6dc0.jpg [code] => db5c175fe2bd2590e591d902001d6dc0 [realname] => gildream_logo.jpg [filetype] => jpg [filesize] => 38562 [duration] => 0 [width] => 360 [height] => 135 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-03-17 15:28:18 ) [corpfilebi] => Array ( [seq] => 1058 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/7 [thumburi] => image/7/thumbs/723d71a3efcc9e8580094884ee067886.jpg [uri] => image/7/723d71a3efcc9e8580094884ee067886.jpg [code] => 723d71a3efcc9e8580094884ee067886 [realname] => gildream_logo.jpg [filetype] => jpg [filesize] => 38562 [duration] => 0 [width] => 360 [height] => 135 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-03-17 15:28:18 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1060 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/0 [thumburi] => pdf/0/thumbs/04ca8aa5f70514090a0088ce58da5482.pdf [uri] => pdf/0/04ca8aa5f70514090a0088ce58da5482.pdf [code] => 04ca8aa5f70514090a0088ce58da5482 [realname] => 2. 법인등기부등본(영화사길몽)20200313.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1011452 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-03-17 15:53:01 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1060 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1061 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/4 [thumburi] => pdf/4/thumbs/46816682c56aee3859f11e5ab813b139.pdf [uri] => pdf/4/46816682c56aee3859f11e5ab813b139.pdf [code] => 46816682c56aee3859f11e5ab813b139 [realname] => 재무제표_길몽영화사.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1556470 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-03-17 15:53:01 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1061 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1062 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/6 [thumburi] => pdf/6/thumbs/65c78ae23ba46de50ef225e753be724e.pdf [uri] => pdf/6/65c78ae23ba46de50ef225e753be724e.pdf [code] => 65c78ae23ba46de50ef225e753be724e [realname] => 3. 정관(길몽).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 6782962 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-03-17 15:53:01 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1062 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1087 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/1 [thumburi] => pdf/1/thumbs/17cc49278007cda0bb4707090e35af6d.pdf [uri] => pdf/1/17cc49278007cda0bb4707090e35af6d.pdf [code] => 17cc49278007cda0bb4707090e35af6d [realname] => 4. 사채청약서(길몽).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 121134 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-04-13 13:43:22 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1087 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1088 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/5 [thumburi] => pdf/5/thumbs/5392dcd6f8c4a38bb6c6396fea7e7e71.pdf [uri] => pdf/5/5392dcd6f8c4a38bb6c6396fea7e7e71.pdf [code] => 5392dcd6f8c4a38bb6c6396fea7e7e71 [realname] => 5. 투자설명서_영화사길몽 (1).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1808119 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-04-13 13:43:22 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1088 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 0 [investcnt] => 0 [cancelamt] => 2000000 [cancelcnt] => 2 ) )
Real metal을 대체할 PS-Tech
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 97 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => 1 [code] => [name] => Real metal을 대체할 PS-Tech [sname] => [start_dt] => 2020-02-28 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2020-05-08 [target_money] => 299880000 [title_message] => [remark] => 전통적인 PVD코팅을 넘는 새로운 PVD코팅기술로 기존 PVD에서 할 수 없었던 아노다이징가공을 가능하게 하여 플라스틱 사출소재및 합금캐스팅, 알루미늄 코팅이 가능한소재에 아노다이징마감으로 부가가치와 활용처를 확 장하여 신규 시장을 개척하고 있습니다. 리얼 알루미늄파츠를 써야했던 부분들과 기타소재의 마감을 새로운 PVD코팅제품으로 대체할 수 있을것으로 기대 할 수 있습니다. 특허받은 신기술과 제작장비와 PAEK, PEEK등 소재의 독점적 공급권도 확보하고 있습니다. [tags] => #코팅, #휴대폰, #아노다이징, #PVD코팅 [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/6/632d576ff9fa7fa9c5e8710681df68c1.jpg [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/6/thumbs/632d576ff9fa7fa9c5e8710681df68c1.jpg [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 정은주 [manager_email] => yhs0214@pstag.co.kr [manager_phone] => 031-495-3004 [share_cnt] => 16 [homepage] => www.pstag.co.kr [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 1008000 [total_investrate] => 0.33613445378151 [dpoption] => 1 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2023-01-31 09:13:32 [reg_dt] => 2020-02-27 09:23:20 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 0 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 97 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 30 [publisher_seq] => 42 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR734953K010 [pmt_dt] => 2020-05-20 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2020-06-08 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 600 [target_quantity] => 178500 [stock_price] => 500 [stock_issue_price] => 1680 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 401-074197-01-011 [pbl_acno_nm] => 주식회사 피에스택 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 003 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => 00000894 [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 6550000000 [currentstock] => 2360000 [futurestock] => 178500 [aftersharerate] => 7.03 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 피에스택 [project_cate_code] => 012 [catename] => IT/테크 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 42 [code] => 20PB9PKIP [people_seq] => 2359 [name] => 피에스택 [enname] => PS TECH [ceo] => 윤홍상 [managername] => 정은주 [managerphone] => 031-495-3004 [manageremail] => yhs0214@pstag.co.kr [homepage] => www.pstag.co.kr [tel] => 031-495-3004 [fax] => [biznum] => 581-88-00735 [corpnum] => 131411-0384017 [bizstatus] => 제조업 [biz_category] => 전자부품 [established_date] => 2017-02-14 [employeenum] => 17 [zipcode] => 15418 [address] => 경기 안산시 단원구 지원로 107-20 (성곡동, (주)반월시화에코클러스터피에프브이) [addressdetail] => 성곡동 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 1040 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => [bankcode] => [bankaccount] => [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2020-02-27 09:14:53 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 1040 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/9 [thumburi] => image/9/thumbs/995894122a83b6ba041667276982fadf.jpg [uri] => image/9/995894122a83b6ba041667276982fadf.jpg [code] => 995894122a83b6ba041667276982fadf [realname] => pstag_logo.jpg [filetype] => jpg [filesize] => 5007 [duration] => 0 [width] => 200 [height] => 78 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-02-27 10:11:09 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1032 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/1 [thumburi] => pdf/1/thumbs/1b64e3b2f8d3fdab9c4fcc346a8773b9.pdf [uri] => pdf/1/1b64e3b2f8d3fdab9c4fcc346a8773b9.pdf [code] => 1b64e3b2f8d3fdab9c4fcc346a8773b9 [realname] => 2. 사업자등록증-피에스택.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 316556 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-02-27 10:00:28 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1032 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1033 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/d [thumburi] => pdf/d/thumbs/debfc0b27685a63f8c8a57867de8ea5c.pdf [uri] => pdf/d/debfc0b27685a63f8c8a57867de8ea5c.pdf [code] => debfc0b27685a63f8c8a57867de8ea5c [realname] => 3. 법인등기부등본_피에스택.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 239015 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-02-27 10:00:28 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1033 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1034 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/0 [thumburi] => pdf/0/thumbs/04808bdb7b2c8d5cad2fa2fcca8769ef.pdf [uri] => pdf/0/04808bdb7b2c8d5cad2fa2fcca8769ef.pdf [code] => 04808bdb7b2c8d5cad2fa2fcca8769ef [realname] => 4. 재무제표(2018)_피에스택.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2648342 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-02-27 10:00:28 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1034 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1044 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/5 [thumburi] => pdf/5/thumbs/5d7f5796a7cc6cf78c973c2c6cdc50cc.pdf [uri] => pdf/5/5d7f5796a7cc6cf78c973c2c6cdc50cc.pdf [code] => 5d7f5796a7cc6cf78c973c2c6cdc50cc [realname] => 정관(피에스택)20200214.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 178178 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-02-28 10:07:38 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1044 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1085 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/0 [thumburi] => pdf/0/thumbs/03e432c8a691a39ae5f78be1e055666d.pdf [uri] => pdf/0/03e432c8a691a39ae5f78be1e055666d.pdf [code] => 03e432c8a691a39ae5f78be1e055666d [realname] => 신주식청약서(피에스택).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 34956 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-04-13 13:42:26 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1085 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1086 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/d [thumburi] => pdf/d/thumbs/d76133b58a8d80906e3bbbd2dc420461.pdf [uri] => pdf/d/d76133b58a8d80906e3bbbd2dc420461.pdf [code] => d76133b58a8d80906e3bbbd2dc420461 [realname] => 피에스택_-_투자설명서 완료.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2847317 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-04-13 13:42:26 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1086 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 1008000 [investcnt] => 1 [cancelamt] => 3507840 [cancelcnt] => 3 ) )
물걸레청소기 1위 생활가전전문회사 오토싱!
주식회사 오토싱
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 95 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => 1 [code] => [name] => 물걸레청소기 1위 생활가전전문회사 오토싱! [sname] => [start_dt] => 2020-01-29 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2020-04-01 [target_money] => 300000000 [title_message] => 최고의 물걸레청소기 오토씽 [remark] => 365일 집안유해세균 99.9%제거 최고의 물걸레청소기 오토씽! 세계최초 전해수 물걸레청소기로 앞서 갑니다 [tags] => #물걸레청소기, #청소기 [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/4/4922a248575fabc0ce770faf3813d32a.jpg [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/4/thumbs/4922a248575fabc0ce770faf3813d32a.jpg [title_movie] => sEULcZvkTEI [manager_name] => 이효근 [manager_email] => otocinc@otocinc.com [manager_phone] => 01049495230 [share_cnt] => 16 [homepage] => http://www.otocinc.com/ [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 150450000 [total_investrate] => 50.15 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2022-08-12 13:51:41 [reg_dt] => 2020-01-21 16:43:26 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 0 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 95 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 29 [publisher_seq] => 39 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7347550006 [pmt_dt] => 2020-05-13 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2020-05-04 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => [min_quantity] => 200 [target_quantity] => 600000 [stock_price] => 100 [stock_issue_price] => 500 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 483-060856-04-037 [pbl_acno_nm] => (주)오토싱 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 003 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => 00000890 [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 3411378223 [currentstock] => 5000000 [futurestock] => 600000 [aftersharerate] => 10.71 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => 주식회사 오토싱 [project_cate_code] => 016 [catename] => 가전 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 39 [code] => 20PH407HP [people_seq] => 2335 [name] => 주식회사 오토싱 [enname] => OTOCINC [ceo] => 김정택 [managername] => 이효근 [managerphone] => 010-4949-5230 [manageremail] => otocinc@otocinc.com [homepage] => www.otocinc.com [tel] => 1566-2560 [fax] => [biznum] => 119-86-01307 [corpnum] => 110111-3743899 [bizstatus] => 제조업, 도소매 [biz_category] => 전자부품 [established_date] => 2007-09-01 [employeenum] => 18 [zipcode] => 21315 [address] => 인천 부평구 부평대로329번길 42 (청천동, (주)인산씨앤씨) [addressdetail] => 4층 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 1005 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => [bankcode] => [bankaccount] => [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2020-01-20 13:43:33 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 1005 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/8 [thumburi] => image/8/thumbs/8cfacfa19d00bce368eb887a84e81dc5.jpg [uri] => image/8/8cfacfa19d00bce368eb887a84e81dc5.jpg [code] => 8cfacfa19d00bce368eb887a84e81dc5 [realname] => otocinc_ci copy.jpg [filetype] => jpg [filesize] => 34710 [duration] => 0 [width] => 400 [height] => 156 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-01-21 17:00:16 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1008 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/0 [thumburi] => pdf/0/thumbs/02fd193ab23933608bcd6dd874aa9402.pdf [uri] => pdf/0/02fd193ab23933608bcd6dd874aa9402.pdf [code] => 02fd193ab23933608bcd6dd874aa9402 [realname] => 사업자등록증_오토싱.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 331258 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-01-29 12:07:30 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1008 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1009 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/5 [thumburi] => pdf/5/thumbs/52324e7daaff1dafbee919520e3790d9.pdf [uri] => pdf/5/52324e7daaff1dafbee919520e3790d9.pdf [code] => 52324e7daaff1dafbee919520e3790d9 [realname] => 법인등기부등본(오토싱)20200107.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1142547 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-01-29 12:07:30 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1009 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1010 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/c [thumburi] => pdf/c/thumbs/c6cba9240c1ddda57b359d54b9ab654a.pdf [uri] => pdf/c/c6cba9240c1ddda57b359d54b9ab654a.pdf [code] => c6cba9240c1ddda57b359d54b9ab654a [realname] => 재무제표(오토싱).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1790954 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-01-29 12:07:30 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1010 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1011 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/eca82f5c4368996c2e1c6c128762442c.pdf [uri] => pdf/e/eca82f5c4368996c2e1c6c128762442c.pdf [code] => eca82f5c4368996c2e1c6c128762442c [realname] => 오토싱정관(20200122).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 364517 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-01-29 12:07:30 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1011 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1012 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/f [thumburi] => pdf/f/thumbs/f9a58806e5713222f3c124a4bc76600d.pdf [uri] => pdf/f/f9a58806e5713222f3c124a4bc76600d.pdf [code] => f9a58806e5713222f3c124a4bc76600d [realname] => 신주식청약서(오토싱).pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 34450 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-01-29 12:07:30 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1012 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1007 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/f [thumburi] => pdf/f/thumbs/ff23f16bf101d3f24e88e241ec962e0f.pdf [uri] => pdf/f/ff23f16bf101d3f24e88e241ec962e0f.pdf [code] => ff23f16bf101d3f24e88e241ec962e0f [realname] => 오토싱_투자설명서.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2764341 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-01-29 10:47:46 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1007 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1013 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/c [thumburi] => pdf/c/thumbs/c008ebab621b4af3615444557daa114b.pdf [uri] => pdf/c/c008ebab621b4af3615444557daa114b.pdf [code] => c008ebab621b4af3615444557daa114b [realname] => 1.기술혁신형 중소기업확인서(이노비즈인증 [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 499981 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2020-01-29 12:07:30 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1013 [corpfiletype] => 4 [corpimage] => [comment] => 기타파일 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 150450000 [investcnt] => 4 [cancelamt] => 3400000 [cancelcnt] => 5 ) )
우리가 함께 만드는 여행, 엠큐브
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 91 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => 1 [code] => [name] => 우리가 함께 만드는 여행, 엠큐브 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2019-07-30 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2019-12-04 [target_money] => 280000000 [title_message] => [remark] => [tags] => #여행#주식#투자#여가활동#엠큐브 [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/b/bb6cf31efc4fec01e888f8fdbdce8c60.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/b/thumbs/bb6cf31efc4fec01e888f8fdbdce8c60.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 최지웅 [manager_email] => mcubetour@gmail.com [manager_phone] => 0262045123 [share_cnt] => 16 [homepage] => https://www.mcubetour.com/ [total_investpeople] => 1 [total_investnum] => 1 [total_investmoney] => 5000000 [total_investrate] => 1.7857142857143 [dpoption] => 3 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => 2019-08-01 17:00:00 [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2022-08-12 13:51:04 [reg_dt] => 2019-07-24 15:41:40 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 0 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 91 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 28 [publisher_seq] => 35 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7331930008 [pmt_dt] => 2019-12-16 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2020-01-06 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => 2020-07-06 [min_quantity] => 4 [target_quantity] => 1120 [stock_price] => 5000 [stock_issue_price] => 250000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 58120101390730 [pbl_acno_nm] => (주)엠큐브 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 004 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => 00000855 [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 8625537574 [currentstock] => 20000 [futurestock] => 1120 [aftersharerate] => 5.30 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => (주)엠큐브투어 [project_cate_code] => 017 [catename] => 여행·스포츠 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 35 [code] => 19PQEGRNC [people_seq] => 2254 [name] => (주)엠큐브투어 [enname] => mcube [ceo] => 최지웅 [managername] => 최지웅 [managerphone] => 010-4855-5123 [manageremail] => mcubetour@gmail.com [homepage] => mcubetour.com [tel] => 02-6204-5123 [fax] => [biznum] => 6038191430 [corpnum] => 1101117029071 [bizstatus] => 인터넷 관련 여행알선업 [biz_category] => 서비스업 [established_date] => 2019-02-28 [employeenum] => 6 [zipcode] => 06162 [address] => 서울 강남구 테헤란로 409 (삼성동, 동신빌딩) [addressdetail] => 4층 [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 887 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => [bankcode] => [bankaccount] => [bankowner] => [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2019-07-24 15:26:08 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 887 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/4 [thumburi] => image/4/thumbs/49597a197f0ad3a3684acec142cfdc2b.png [uri] => image/4/49597a197f0ad3a3684acec142cfdc2b.png [code] => 49597a197f0ad3a3684acec142cfdc2b [realname] => 엠큐브로고.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 13939 [duration] => 0 [width] => 276 [height] => 108 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2019-07-24 15:26:08 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 930 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/4 [thumburi] => pdf/4/thumbs/4ebf749318d4de68034ceb060f6c7dbc.pdf [uri] => pdf/4/4ebf749318d4de68034ceb060f6c7dbc.pdf [code] => 4ebf749318d4de68034ceb060f6c7dbc [realname] => 사업자등록_엠큐브.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 332383 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2019-08-07 14:59:18 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 930 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 931 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/e11e900e3f6e3503a0630ea5a784e7e7.pdf [uri] => pdf/e/e11e900e3f6e3503a0630ea5a784e7e7.pdf [code] => e11e900e3f6e3503a0630ea5a784e7e7 [realname] => 법인등기부등본_엠큐브.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 3431266 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2019-08-07 14:59:18 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 931 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 965 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/e98c8d5c2f3874cb9fb94a30e6aef2c3.pdf [uri] => pdf/e/e98c8d5c2f3874cb9fb94a30e6aef2c3.pdf [code] => e98c8d5c2f3874cb9fb94a30e6aef2c3 [realname] => 정관_엠큐브.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 3475243 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2019-09-26 14:03:00 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 965 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 968 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/7 [thumburi] => pdf/7/thumbs/7f3d8a7344879cb2a31d89bbd61c188e.pdf [uri] => pdf/7/7f3d8a7344879cb2a31d89bbd61c188e.pdf [code] => 7f3d8a7344879cb2a31d89bbd61c188e [realname] => 신주식청약서_엠큐브.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 34848 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2019-10-25 16:21:50 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 968 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 969 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/e [thumburi] => pdf/e/thumbs/edc3557acb82d6d796496ebaf41785b7.pdf [uri] => pdf/e/edc3557acb82d6d796496ebaf41785b7.pdf [code] => edc3557acb82d6d796496ebaf41785b7 [realname] => 투자 설명서_엠큐브.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 4848796 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2019-10-25 16:21:50 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 969 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 5000000 [investcnt] => 1 [cancelamt] => 585500000 [cancelcnt] => 16 ) )
관공서/대학/기업체 입점 전문 커피 프랜차이즈, 우일티에스
stdClass Object ( [seq] => 86 [prjtype] => 1 [prjtypenm] => 투자 [prjstatus] => 4 [prjstatusnm] => 완료 [prjstatusdesc] => 완료된 프로젝트 입니다. [manager_seq] => 1 [code] => [name] => 관공서/대학/기업체 입점 전문 커피 프랜차이즈, 우일티에스 [sname] => [start_dt] => 2019-04-19 00:00:00 [end_dt] => 2019-05-31 [target_money] => 490000000 [title_message] => [remark] => [tags] => #커피#프랜차이즈 [interest_cnt] => 0 [title_img_file] => project/image/1/1211765e55b949d2ae60a8b9b7561580.png [title_img_filethumb] => project/image/1/thumbs/1211765e55b949d2ae60a8b9b7561580.png [title_movie] => [manager_name] => 조화선 과장 [manager_email] => achiove@naver.com [manager_phone] => 02-481-6229 [share_cnt] => 22 [homepage] => http://www.wooil-ts.co.kr/ [total_investpeople] => 0 [total_investnum] => 0 [total_investmoney] => 7350000 [total_investrate] => 1.5 [dpoption] => 1 [paydate] => [openalarmtime] => 2019-04-30 14:00:00 [openyear] => [openmonth] => [opendivterm] => [blockdetail] => 0 [specialmemo] => [isclosed] => 0 [modi_dt] => 2023-01-31 09:13:07 [reg_dt] => 2019-04-17 14:03:05 [event_seq] => [deliveryfreeprice] => 0 [open_show] => 0 [successtype] => 02 [successtypenm] => 종료 [reward_seq] => [project_seq] => 86 [maker_seq] => [rewardtype] => [rewardtypenm] => [rfn_dt] => [delivery_deadline] => [delivery_startdt] => [delivery_untildt] => [payproc_dt] => [payproc_hour] => [allowcoupon] => [deliverydaynum] => [onetone] => [nft] => [funding_seq] => 27 [publisher_seq] => 34 [securitytype] => 21 [securitytypenm] => 주식 [stock_type] => 1 [isin] => KR7320330004 [pmt_dt] => 2019-06-13 [pmt_deposit_dt] => 2019-07-02 [pmt_monopoly_dt] => 2019-12-31 [min_quantity] => 10 [target_quantity] => 2000 [stock_price] => 5000 [stock_issue_price] => 245000 [stock_distribution_method] => 1 [deposit_holder] => 한국증권금융 [pbl_acno] => 1005902733057 [pbl_acno_nm] => (주)우일티에스 [pbl_bnk_cd] => 020 [pbl_scts_knd] => 01 [sbsc_iss_no] => 00000820 [sbsc_stcd] => 11 [sbsc_stcdnm] => 미정 [deductYN] => N [entvalue] => 2231241019 [currentstock] => 6000 [futurestock] => 2000 [aftersharerate] => 25.00 [expire_dt] => [expire_month] => [payoffway] => [payoffwaynm] => [bondtype] => [bondtypenm] => [interestrate] => [interestrateterm] => [interestcycle] => [accountsnum] => [accountsprice] => [stockdivideday] => [maker_nm] => [comp_name] => (주)우일티에스 [project_cate_code] => 015 [catename] => 푸드 [corpinfo] => Array ( [seq] => 34 [code] => 19PAPNHJ6 [people_seq] => 2151 [name] => (주)우일티에스 [enname] => RIM [ceo] => 임경환 [managername] => 조화선 과장 [managerphone] => 02-477-8020 [manageremail] => achiove@naver.com [homepage] => http://www.wooil-ts.co.kr/ [tel] => 02-477-8020 [fax] => [biznum] => 2128608249 [corpnum] => 1101115325322 [bizstatus] => 프랜차이즈 직영점 및 가맹점의 모집 및 운영 [biz_category] => 서비스 [established_date] => 2014-01-24 [employeenum] => 10 [zipcode] => 05538 [address] => 서울 송파구 강동대로9길 18 (풍납동) [addressdetail] => 3층(풍납동) [contactYN] => N [incvat] => 1 [useYN] => Y [joinaccount] => [authnum] => [entertype] => O [approval] => 1 [approvalnm] => 승인 [corptype] => 2 [corptypenm] => 법인회사 [description] => [introduce] => [contactDT] => [corpfileapproval] => 0 [biznumfile] => [article_file] => [introduce_file] => [corpimage_c] => 772 [corpimage_b] => [corpimage_l] => [bankcode] => 020 [bankaccount] => 1005902733057 [bankowner] => (주)우일티에스 [facebook] => [youtube] => [instagram] => [twitter] => [reg_dt] => 2019-04-17 12:19:42 [corpfileci] => Array ( [seq] => 772 [mType] => image [path] => /home/mediafile/image/3 [thumburi] => image/3/thumbs/3bd30c9af4599f030cfb9dbf02f31ede.png [uri] => image/3/3bd30c9af4599f030cfb9dbf02f31ede.png [code] => 3bd30c9af4599f030cfb9dbf02f31ede [realname] => 우일ts로고_350x350.png [filetype] => png [filesize] => 14534 [duration] => [width] => 350 [height] => 350 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2019-04-17 12:28:44 ) [corpfile] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 780 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/6 [thumburi] => pdf/6/thumbs/6a0c1a9db69cc62028958452ad7115a6.pdf [uri] => pdf/6/6a0c1a9db69cc62028958452ad7115a6.pdf [code] => 6a0c1a9db69cc62028958452ad7115a6 [realname] => 사업자등록증.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 311839 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2019-04-17 15:27:27 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 780 [corpfiletype] => 2 [corpimage] => [comment] => 사업자등록증 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 781 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/7 [thumburi] => pdf/7/thumbs/79dd6981529204730ac4fde649a18c10.pdf [uri] => pdf/7/79dd6981529204730ac4fde649a18c10.pdf [code] => 79dd6981529204730ac4fde649a18c10 [realname] => 등기부등본.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 980776 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2019-04-17 15:27:27 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 781 [corpfiletype] => 5 [corpimage] => [comment] => 등기부등본 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 782 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/d [thumburi] => pdf/d/thumbs/d5a0fda45a2e5173c673144b8cb5ffd0.pdf [uri] => pdf/d/d5a0fda45a2e5173c673144b8cb5ffd0.pdf [code] => d5a0fda45a2e5173c673144b8cb5ffd0 [realname] => 재무제표.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 1447117 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2019-04-17 15:27:27 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 782 [corpfiletype] => 6 [corpimage] => [comment] => 재무제표 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 1573 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/3 [thumburi] => pdf/3/thumbs/3d5214b6b31dc1e7ad28365bda2660e5.pdf [uri] => pdf/3/3d5214b6b31dc1e7ad28365bda2660e5.pdf [code] => 3d5214b6b31dc1e7ad28365bda2660e5 [realname] => 1f20af57cd4ad0dba4f430b53c23fa1a.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 3069118 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2021-05-12 16:57:04 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 1573 [corpfiletype] => 7 [corpimage] => [comment] => 정관 ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 784 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/c [thumburi] => pdf/c/thumbs/c4b269b324ec66012594b3dce60349a2.pdf [uri] => pdf/c/c4b269b324ec66012594b3dce60349a2.pdf [code] => c4b269b324ec66012594b3dce60349a2 [realname] => 청약서.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 34444 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2019-04-17 15:27:27 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 784 [corpfiletype] => 8 [corpimage] => [comment] => 청약서 ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [seq] => 785 [mType] => pdf [path] => /home/mediafile/pdf/2 [thumburi] => pdf/2/thumbs/2f99ee8d31afec470864b8cbaa782aba.pdf [uri] => pdf/2/2f99ee8d31afec470864b8cbaa782aba.pdf [code] => 2f99ee8d31afec470864b8cbaa782aba [realname] => 투자설명서.pdf [filetype] => pdf [filesize] => 2219067 [duration] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [description] => [reg_dt] => 2019-04-17 15:27:27 [isbinary] => 0 [frontview] => 1 [blobimagdata] => [files_seq] => 785 [corpfiletype] => 9 [corpimage] => [comment] => 투자설명서 ) ) [corpfile2] => Array ( ) [corpfile3] => Array ( ) [news] => Array ( ) ) [investinfo] => stdClass Object ( [payedprice] => 0 [payedcnt] => 0 [investamt] => 7350000 [investcnt] => 3 [cancelamt] => 2450000 [cancelcnt] => 1 ) )
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